May 31, 2014

The Books In Our Websites

In Different Languages

The Editors

The Books Available In Our Websites


Some Insights for Each Day of the Year
Robert Crosbie 

How the Holy Mountains Let Out of Their Deep Caves the Mighty Heroes of Russia
N. Misheyev

A History of Russian Philosophy, Volume One
The First Complete History of Russian Philosophy in Any Language
V. V. Zenkovsky
A History of Russian Philosophy, Volume Two
The First Complete History of Russian Philosophy in Any Language
V. V. Zenkovsky

A Lonely Disciple
Monograph on T. Subba Row, 1856-1890
N. C. Ramanujachary

The Classical 1940 Essay by Berdyaev, With Commentaries by Alan A. Spears
Nicolas Berdyaev 

A Book of Fifty-Six Pages, With Thirty Illustrations
C. Jinarajadasa 

Including ‘Master Zacharius’, ‘A Drama in the Air’, and ‘A Winter Amid the Ice’
Jules Verne

Esoteric Buddhism
Fifth Edition, Annotated And Enlarged by the Author
A.P. Sinnett

Esoteric Writings 
T. Subba Row 

To The American Theosophists
Helena P. Blavatsky

Mystical, Philosophical, Theosophical, Historical and Scientific Essays, Selected from “The Theosophist”
Various Authors

By One of Her Pupils
Alice Leighton Cleather

The Testimony of a Disciple Who Remained Loyal
Alice Leighton Cleather

H.P. Blavatsky: A Great Betrayal
How Treason Took Place In the Theosophical Movement
Alice Leighton Cleather 

Health and Therapy
Problems  and  Decisions
Various Authors 

N. O. Lossky

Compiled from Information Supplied by Her Relatives and Friends
A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology
Helena P. Blavatsky

A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology
Helena P. Blavatsky

Fourth Edition, With the Letters To and About Mrs. Laura C. Holloway
C. Jinarajadasa (Ed.)

With Texts From Western and Eastern Adepts
C. Jinarajadasa (Ed.)
Studies in the Vishistadwaita Philosophy
N. C. Ramanujachary

The Effects of Revolution, War, Famine, Pestilence Upon Human Mind, Behavior, Social Organization and Cultural Life
Pitirim A. Sorokin

Manual of Psychometry
The Dawn of a New Civilization
Joseph Rodes Buchanan

Indicating the Seeds of a Better Future for Humanity
Joseph Rodes Buchanan

Moscow the Third Rome
Observing the Enigma of Russian Christianity
Nicolas Zernov

On the Proem of The Secret Doctrine
Esoteric Philosophy For the 21st Century
Steven H. Levy 

The Philosophical Writings of Solomon Ben Yehudah Ibn Gebirol, or Avicebron, Etc.
Isaac Myer 

A Series of Twelve Lessons in Self-Knowledge and Self-Control
Yogi Ramacharaka

The Living Interaction Between Pseudo-Gurus and Fake Disciples
Rohit Mehta

The American Sex Revolution
A Long-Standing Attack Against Deep and Lasting Love 
Pitirim A. Sorokin

Learning to Love is Better Than Expecting to Be Loved
Erich Fromm 

TANU’s Policy on Socialism and Self-Reliance
Julius K. Nyerere and the TANU 

Human Being Is the Key to the Mystery of Knowledge and of Existence
Nicolas Berdyaev 

The London Edition of 1894, in Two Volumes

The London Edition of 1894, in Two Volumes

Nine-fold Relationship According to Sri Pillai Lokacarya and Madame H. P. Blavatsky
N. C. Ramanujachary

The Key to Theosophy

A Clear Exposition, in the Form of Question and Answer
Helena P. Blavatsky

Or Capnion, the Father of the German Reformation
Francis Barham

To A. P. Sinnett from the Mahatmas M. & K.H.
A.Trevor Barker (Ed.)

A School of Philosophy of Which The Modern Culture Has Lost Sight
A.P. Sinnett

The Paradoxes of the Highest Science
With Foot-notes by a Master of the Wisdom
Eliphas Levi
In PDF, the 1930 Edition of a Little-Known Book, First Published in Russian
Helena P. Blavatsky

The Real H. P. Blavatsky
A Study in Theosophy, And a Memoir of a Great Soul
William Kingsland

A Selection on Masonry from the Writings of HPB, Compiled by Geoffrey A. Farthing
Helena P. Blavatsky

The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy
Helena P. Blavatsky

The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy
Helena P. Blavatsky

The Book of Tao, by the Legendary Founder of Taoism, in the Version Prepared by Lin Yutang

Twenty-One Occult Stories By Two Founders of the Modern Esoteric Movement
H. P. Blavatsky and W. Q. Judge 

A History and a Survey
John Garrigues

The True History of Joshua Davidson
Christian and Communist
Eliza Lynn Linton

The Voice of the Silence
Being Chosen Fragments From the ‘Book of the Golden Precepts’
Helena P. Blavatsky (Ed.)

An Interpretation
William Q. Judge

Translation, with Introduction, Appendix, and Notes Based Upon Several Authentic Commentaries
Manilal Nabhubhai Dvivedi

Three Russian Prophets
An Approach to Alexei Khomiakov,  Feodor Dostoevsky and Vladimir Soloviev
Nicolas Zernov 

Why Grow Old?
Nature Has Bestowed Upon Us The Power of Perpetual Renewal
O. S. Marden

Why War?
Two Friends of Humanity Examine the Causes of War
Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud


Una Obra Clásica de la Sabiduría Eterna Oriental
Maine de Biran 

Antología de Escritos
Varios Autores

El Clásico Teosófico de 1885, En la Edición Argentina de 2016
Mohini Chatterji y Laura Holloway

Un Filósofo Francés del Siglo 19 Examina El Camino Práctico del Bien-Estar Interior
Paul Janet 
Guesto Ansures, Edición en Español
Cuadros de la Vida Neogótica: Una Novela Histórica Ambientada en el Siglo Octavo
Visconde de Figanière

Clave de los Misterios Antiguos y Modernos de la Ciencia y la Teología
Helena P. Blavatsky

Clave de los Misterios Antiguos y Modernos de la Ciencia y la Teología
Helena P. Blavatsky

Una Exposición Clara, en Forma de Preguntas y Respuestas
Helena P. Blavatsky

La Síntesis Liberadora de la Persona Humana
Conceptos Básicos de Medicina Natural, Método Hipocrático-Cartoniano
Paul Carton

Fragmentos Escogidos del ‘Libro de los Preceptos de Oro’, Para Uso Diario de Los Lanús (Discípulos)
Helena P. Blavatsky (Ed.)

Las Cartas de los Mahatmas
M. y K.H. a Alfred P. Sinnett
A.Trevor Barker (Ed.)
Medicina Blanca y Medicina Negra
La Ciencia Médica Debe Saber Que La Meta de la Vida es el Progreso Espiritual
Paul Carton
Los Apuntes Personales del Emperador-Filósofo de Roma
Marco Aurelio

Una Obra Clásica de la Sabiduría Eterna Oriental
Swami Vivekananda

Doce Lecciones Sobre Autoconocimiento y Autocontrol
Yogi Ramacharaka

La Tabla de Cebes; Disertaciones y Fragmentos Menores de Musonio Rufo; el Manual y Fragmentos de Epicteto
Editorial Gredos

Tragedia del Fin de Atawallpa
Edición Facsimilar de la Edición de 1957 de Imprenta Universitaria, Cochabamba, Bolivia 
Jesús Lara (Ed.)


Étude Historique et Critique Sur la Haute Magie
Marc Haven

Ou le Gouvernement Fondé sur la Morale
L’Édition Originale de la Œuvre, Publiée à Paris, An XI (1803), 402 Pages
Maine de Biran
The 1814-1816 Diary of a French Philosopher
Maine de Biran

Extrait de ses Œuvres
Paul Carton

Racontée Pieusement au Monde Occidental
Claude Aveline

Fragments Choisis du «Livre des Préceptes d’Or»
Helena P. Blavatsky (Ed.)

Lettres des Mahatmas
M. et K.H. à A. P. Sinnett
A.Trevor Barker (Ed.)

Sur la Civilisation en Europe Comme Produit du Christianisme et la Voie Qu’elle Suit Actuellement
Ou Sur les Impressions Générales Affectives et les Sympathies en Particulier
Maine de Biran

Rituel de la Maçonnerie Egyptienne
Annoté par le Docteur Marc Haven et Précédé d’une Introduction de Daniel Nazir
Le Comte de Cagliostro


Do Início do Século 20, Um Livro de Poemas Para Leitores de Todas as Idades
António Corrêa D’Oliveira

História Sumária do Problema Como Preparação Para o Estudo da Filosofia do Espírito
Farias Brito 

Uma Obra Dedicada Aos Discípulos, Para Que Aprendam e Possam Ensinar
Helena P. Blavatsky

A Síntese da Ciência, Religião e Filosofia
Helena P. Blavatsky 

(Tradução em andamento, com a parte inicial já disponível) 

A Comunicação Social Como Prática de Uma Nova Ética
Carlos Cardoso Aveline 

A Ilusão Psicológica Como um Processo Individual e Coletivo na Cultura Moderna
Karen Horney

Ensaio Sobre a Filosofia Ética e o Direito Natural
Farias Brito

A Biografia da Fundadora do Movimento Teosófico Moderno, Escrita por um Colega Dela
A.P. Sinnett

A Voz do Silêncio
Para o Uso Diário dos Discípulos
Helena P. Blavatsky (Ed.)

Aforismos de Ioga, de Patañjali

O Tratado Clássico de Raja Ioga
William Q. Judge

Farias Brito
A Vida e a Obra do Pensador Brasileiro
Nestor Victor 

Farias Brito e a Reacção Espiritualista
A Edição em PDF de Livro Raro Publicado em 1918
Almeida Magalhães 

A Biografia Clássica do Filósofo Brasileiro
Jonathas Serrano 

Estudos de Filosofia e Teleologia Naturalista
Farias Brito

Estudos de Filosofia e Teleologia Naturalista: A Filosofia Moderna
Farias Brito

Estudos de Filosofia e Teleologia Naturalista: Evolução e Relatividade
Farias Brito

Quadros da Vida Neo-Gótica: Um Romance Histórico Ambientado no Século Oito
Visconde de Figanière

O Dhammapada
O Clássico Budista, Com Notas Explicativas e um Breve Ensaio Sobre o Pensamento de Buddha 

Esboço de Sua Gloriosa Vida
Raymundo Pinto Seidl

O Jesuíta
A Edição Original de 1875 do Drama Histórico em Quatro Atos
José de Alencar 

O Mundo Interior
Farias Brito 

Buscando a Harmonia com as Leis da Natureza
Paul Carton

William Q. Judge 

O Rio Grande do Sul e a Ecologia
Crônicas Escolhidas de um Naturalista Contemporâneo
Henrique Luiz Roessler

O Tao Teh Ching
O Livro do Tao, do Legendário Fundador do Taoismo, na Versão Preparada por Lin Yutang

Os Banhados do Rio dos Sinos
E Por Que Devem Ser Preservados
Carlos Cardoso Aveline (Org.)
Na República Brasileira: Cartas ao Conselheiro Rui Barbosa
Sílvio Romero

Pedro Álvares Cabral
A Mais Completa Defesa do Descobridor do Brasil Possui a Força e a Luz do Inesperado
Metzner Leone

Quatro Regras de Diplomacia
Visconde de Figanière

A Clássica Edição Portuguesa de 1925
Swami Vivekananda

Pela Primeira Vez Desde o Século 19, o Livro de Figanière é Reeditado na Íntegra
Visconde de Figanière


On the difference between truth and falsehood in the esoteric movement, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.  

Published in 2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist, the volume has 255 pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.