The November
2022 edition starts with the article “Blavatsky
is a Best Seller in Adyar”, whose subtitle says:
Studying Blavatsky Is More than Just Repeating Her Words”.
On page four we have “Helena Blavatsky: Knowledge Comes in Visions”.
Page five presents part two and conclusion of
Francis Hutcheson’s text “Determinations
of the Will: Concerning the Ultimate Determinations of the Will, and of
Benevolent Affections”.
On page nine, an invitation to read “The Prehistory of an Independent Lodge: The
Blavatskian View of the Theosophical Movement, From the 1890s to the Decade of
These are other topics in the November Aquarian:
* The
Psychology of Occult Perceptions - 02 (Concluded): a Selection of
Passages From The Essay ‘Occult or Exact Science?’, by H. P. Blavatsky;
* Thoughts
Along the Road: The Truth is
Before Us. Who Wants to Know the Truth?
21 pages, the edition contains the List of
New Items in the associated websites.
The above
edition of The Aquarian was published on 06 November 2022. The entire collection of the journal
is available HERE.
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Helena Blavatsky
(photo) wrote these words: “Deserve,
then desire”.