The Study of Theosophy
Brings About
a Peace that Never Leaves the Pilgrim
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
a Peace that Never Leaves the Pilgrim
* Losing too much time with short term issues brings
about frustration sooner or later. Common sense invites us to take advantage of
the opportunities and learn about our own higher and spiritual nature.
* Building a bridge to the eternal is the foundation
of inner freedom. Here and now life has a better flavour if it is part of an
unlimited horizon.
* The experience of dignity emerges from stability and
strength, and feeds on self-respect.[1] On
the other hand, self-restraint and tapah
(austerity) are necessary for one to attain inner stability.
* There is a peace that transcends all understanding.
It emerges when thoughts and feelings are unconditionally honest, and when they
point with unperturbed persistence to the highest and the most sacred. In such
a case the inner equilibrium generates a limitless silence in one’s soul. And
silence, sustained by the power of renunciation, produces a kind of contentment
that no words can describe.
* If you see confusing situations multiplying around
you, choose simplicity. Noisy events are often meaningless. Concentrate your
soul and your actions on that which is innerly meaningful to you, in the long
* Whenever your agenda gets too complex, avoid
unnecessary complications. Preserve your sense of direction with regard to that
which has supreme importance. In case the wheel of life gets excessively
agitated, place yourself in the silent center of the wheel. On that point, peace
and wisdom can be found regardless of outward circumstances. Your best
counsellor is the voice of your conscience.
* Detachment from circumstances expands our ability to
be creative and independent.
* North-American astrologer Marc Edmund Jones wrote that
human beings have a tendency to manifest their true essence through the actions
of everyday life. According to him, once there is good sense, we see we have
deep resources with which to “conjure our desired reality into being”. The simplest
things of life can be used to surmount momentary obstacles.[2]
Theosophy and
* The study of theosophy gradually brings about a peace that never leaves the pilgrim. The center of gravity of his life gradually
moves away from the ups and downs of external reality and establishes itself on
a firm foundation.
* Through the study of philosophy people who have
unstable thoughts and emotions can find peace. Theosophy shows them that the
energy of calmness is born from one’s soul, and endures.
* As the pilgrim’s view of life gets wider and deeper,
external tempests cease to disorient his mind. Psychological wounds lose
importance. Life is still probationary, but his feeling of well-being deepens.
* An ability to be grateful enlightens one’s soul and makes
contentment stronger. As a result, self-responsibility becomes central. The
individual begins to invisibly radiate to others the peace he has within.
Practical Action
* Theosophy enlightens daily life. Re-examine the
above text seeking for especially meaningful sentences. Write down in a note-book those ideas that can
help you in the present moment. Tell a friend about the topic.
[1] To meditate on this, see “Sagittarius 5” on p. 215 of
the book “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology”, by Marc Edmund Jones, Aurora Press.
Santa FE, NM, USA, 1993.
[2] See “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology”, Marc Edmund
Jones, 437 pages, Aurora Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, copyright 1993, p.
Print the texts you
study from the associated websites. Reading on paper helps us attain a deeper view
of philosophical texts. When studying a printed text, the reader can underline sentences
and make handwritten comments in the margins that link the ideas to his personal
The above article
was published as an independent item in the associated websites on 13 November 2022.
An initial version of it - with no indication as to the name of the author - is
part of the December 2020 edition of “The
Aquarian Theosophist”, pp. 12-14.
Read more:
Helena Blavatsky
(photo) wrote these words: “Deserve,
then desire”.