Nov 4, 2022

A Knowledge of Plenitude

 Key Landmarks Show Us the Path to Bliss

Hector Durville (Ed.)

Ask virtue for the secret of happiness.
(V. Hugo)
* The art of being happy is in enriching yourself every day with a selfless action; there is no greater happiness than good will. (Juliette Adam)
* The science of happiness consists in loving one’s own duty and seeking pleasure in it. (Countess Dash)
* Contentment belongs to him who makes people happy. (Delille)
* You will have a joyful life as long as you use your life in a correct way. (Renan)
* You can only make yourself happy by working for the good of others. (Bernardin de Saint-Pierre)
* Happiness is just a feeling of goodness. (Volney)
* Happiness is only the health of the soul. (Barthélemy)
* True contentment is necessarily the exclusive sharing of true virtue. (Cabanis)
* All happiness is made of courage and work. (Balzac)
* Happiness is feeling that your soul is good. (J. Joubert)
* Happiness is less dependent on circumstances than on character. (E. de Girardin)
* Rather than a gift of destiny, happiness is an effect of wisdom. (L. Veuillot)
* Happiness does not consist in acquiring and enjoying, but in not desiring, because it consists in being free. (Epictetus)
* Having happiness is seeing without envy the happiness of others, and with satisfaction the common happiness. (Bossuet)

* It is in vain that we seek our happiness afar while neglecting to cultivate it in ourselves. When happiness does not come from within it cannot become perceptible, unless one’s soul is capable of feeling it. (J.-J. Rousseau)

* There is no safer route to happiness than that of virtue. (J.-J. Rousseau)
* Pleasure may be based on illusion, but happiness rests on truth. (Chamfort)
* I seek my happiness in the happiness of others. (Corneille)
* Ask virtue for the secret of happiness. (V. Hugo)
A Knowledge of Plenitude” is available as an independent article at the associated websites since 4 November 2022. It was previously published at the November 2021 edition of “The Aquarian Theosophist”, pp. 1-2. The thoughts were selected and translated by CCA from a compilation included in the book “Magnétisme Personnel”, by Hector Durville, published by Hector & Henri Durville Imprimeurs-Éditeurs, Paris, 1918, 526 pp., see pp. 382-384.

Helena Blavatsky (photo) wrote these revealing words: “Deserve, then desire”.