Effective Study Leads to Humbleness
Carlos Cardoso

Superficial minds
have opinions about nearly every subject. He who possesses scarce knowledge
pretends to himself that he knows it all.
The less one searches for truth, the more one can think his knowledge is vast, and his wisdom, immense. “Personal opinion” is used as a pretext by those who do not want to learn. The general attitude of one who seems to know-it-all is used as a mask to hide his own mental laziness. Ignorance is shy, and covers itself under the appearance of opinion.
On the other hand, he who searches for truth can see
the enormity of that which he ignores.
While reading a book, a pilgrim often comes across
dozens of possible lines of study and research, many of which he will not have
the time to develop.
As we make progress along the path to wisdom, the more
we learn, the more we perceive our ignorance. As a result, we develop working
hypotheses, instead of mere blind opinions. We may have firm positions and
points of view, but they are subject to critical examination; and, as they are
questioned, they evolve.
He who cares nothing for learning leaves aside the
arduous path to real knowledge. A naive individual is often not prepared to
live with unknown factors; in order not to see his own ignorance, he takes
refuge in the childish assumption that he already knows it all.
In theosophy, the correct thing to do is to adopt a
realistic viewpoint. By living with common sense one can gradually attain a lasting
victory. The process of learning something of great value brings us numerous
lessons in patience and humbleness, and Narada, the ancient Hindu philosopher,
“Never utter these words: ‘I do not know this - therefore it is false’. One must study to
know, know to understand, understand to judge.” [1]
[1] Quoted by Helena P. Blavatsky in her book “Isis
Unveiled”, published by J.W. Bouton in New York, 1877, see vol. I, p. 628.
Click to see the book in our associated websites: “Isis Unveiled, Volume I”.
The article “Opinion, Research and Knowledge” was
published as an independent item in the associated websites on 29 April 2020. An
initial and anonymous version of it is part of the November 2018 edition of
“The Aquarian Theosophist”, pages 3-4.
Click to read “Real Knowledge”, by Damodar K.
Mavalankar, “How to Obtain Self-Knowledge”,
by Helena P. Blavatsky, and “No Religion Higher Than Truth”,
by CCA.