The February 2022 edition of the Aquarian has on page one the article “Family According to the Masters”, whose subtitle asks a question:
“Does Deep Love Lead to Happiness?”
The article brings a video with a question recently submitted in public to Vladimir Putin on family ties - and his answer.
On page three the subject of family is examined in its relation to moral values. In a disappointing video to some postmodernist minds, the president of Russia invites the public to reflect on the morality and the future of Western and Eastern nations. He also examines the state of the dialogue between East and West. According to Vladimir Putin, Russia has undergone some 100 years ago the same kind of process the West is facing now. He says each society has its own decisions to make.
Page 4 presents “The Future of Humanity Makes Sense: There Will Be a More Balanced Cooperation in a Multipolar World”.
Other topics:
* The Buddhi-Manasic Change of the World (p.5).
* Good News to Those Who Worry: Authoritarian Schemes Are Short-Lived (p.6).
* Leaving Aside the Illusion of Knowing Everything (p.8).
* No Popes Are Needed for the Renewal of the Theosophical Project (p.9).
* How H.P. Blavatsky Saw in 1891 The Karma of Present Civilization (p.11).
* Marc Edmund Jones: Unlimited Possibilities to Learn (p.12).
* Thoughts Along the Road: Liberty From Desire is the Real Path to Bliss (p.14).
* Concerning the Moral Sense - 05 (Conclusion) - On the Faculty of Perceiving Moral Excellence, And Its Supreme Objects. By Francis Hutcheson (p.16).
With 19 pages, the edition contains the List of New Items in the associated websites.
The above edition of The Aquarian was published on 16 February 2022. The entire collection of the journal is available HERE.
The above edition of The Aquarian was published on 16 February 2022. The entire collection of the journal is available HERE.
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Helena Blavatsky
(photo) wrote these words: “Deserve,
then desire”.