A Student of
Never Ceases to Be
Carlos Cardoso

Everyone can obtain
an accurate view of the trends and potentialities that point to the future. For
that, however, one must have some real knowledge of the past and present, a
goal of enduring value, and freedom from illusions of a personal nature.
In order to develop a clear view of the next stages in
life, one cannot keep limited to the narrow boundaries of a three-dimensional world.
It is necessary to be sure of what one wants. The law of clear understanding
advises students to aim at improving themselves in altruism, in every
department of life. One must not be attached to possessions of any kind, except
to a sense of togetherness with that which is good and true, and which belongs
to the eternal essence of all things.
The Law produces the future, and those who know
something of the Law are entitled to know a little bit of the things to come.
Such knowledge refers to their inner dimension, not their periphery.
The best point of view from which to look at the
future belongs to him who does his best in building it himself.
An active will helps people shape their own lives.
One’s intention must be impersonally noble, which makes it possible for the
mind to remain away from wishful thinking. The task consists in setting the
causes of good Karma in motion and reducing the causes of pain.
Making the future is better than trying merely to see
it. And he who has good sense is in no hurry in any way. His happiness consists
in working for the friendly construction of a healthy future. There are both dynamic
and inertial factors in the wise formation of the Karma of tomorrow, and a firm
good-will is the main and best among them.
The Fire of Learning
An essential aspect of spiritual search is one’s
ability to die in the world of childish naïveté, so as to be born again in the
realm of responsibility and light.
The process takes place inch by inch. It occurs one
day after the other, as the decades pass by.
The student of theosophy never ceases to be reborn. As
he awakens to the alchemical laboratory of sacred knowledge, he gets access to
the higher levels of planetary consciousness.
The above text was
published in the associated websites as an independent item on 02 January 2022.
An initial, anonymous version of it is part of the May 2019 edition of “The Aquarian Theosophist”, pp.
1-2. Original title: “Of Seeing - and Making - the Future.”
Read more:
* The Yoga of Theosophy.
* The Process Between Two Lives.
* Video: The Healing Chain Reaction.
Helena Blavatsky
(photo) wrote these words: “Deserve,
then desire”.