The Christian Adoration
Of Star and Planetary Spirits
Of Star and Planetary Spirits
Helena P. Blavatsky
Michelangelo (1475-1564) and Amadeus of Portugal
The following article is reproduced from
“Collected Writings”, H. P. Blavatsky, TPH,
India/USA, volume X, 461 pp., pp. 13-32. It was
pages 355-365. It is also part of the February 2020
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Star Angel Worship in
the Roman Catholic Church
[1] The name “Lucifer”
is an ancient term for Venus, the morning and evening star - the “elder sister”
of our Earth according to esoteric philosophy. Since the Middle Ages, the meaning
of the word has been distorted by superstitious theologians. (CCA)
The above article
was published in the associated websites on 05 April 2021.
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