A Clear
Exposition, in the
Form of Question
and Answer
Helena P.
A 2018 Editorial Note:
We reproduce in
PDF the facsimile of
the 1889 edition
of “The Key to Theosophy”.
The purpose of
this book is exactly expressed in its title, “THE
KEY TO THEOSOPHY”, and needs
but few words of explanation. It is not a complete or exhaustive text-book of
Theosophy, but only a key to unlock the door that leads to the deeper study. It
traces the broad outlines of the Wisdom Religion, and explains its fundamental
principles; meeting, at the same time, the various objections raised by the
average Western enquirer, and endeavouring to present unfamiliar concepts in a
form as simple and in a language as clear as possible.
The book “The Key to Theosophy” was published in
our associated websites on 17 June 2018.
On 14 September 2016, a group of students
decided to found the Independent Lodge
of Theosophists. Two of the priorities adopted by the ILT are learning from the past and building a better