Mystical, Philosophical,
Theosophical, Historical and Scientific
Essays, Selected from “The Theosophist”
Various Authors

A 2018 Editorial Note:
We reproduce in
PDF the classic 1885 selection
of articles from
“The Theosophist”, India, when
the publication
was edited by Helena P. Blavatsky. The
volume was first
published in London and has 575 pages.
From a Chela’s
Diary. By G_____ M _____, F.T.S.
“And Enoch
walked with the Elohim,
and the Elohim
took him.” - Genesis.
The curious
information - for whatsoever else the world may think of it, it will doubtless
be acknowledged to be that - contained in the article that follows, merits a
few words of introduction. The details given in it on the subject of what has
always been considered as one of the darkest and most strictly guarded of the
mysteries of the initiation into occultism - from the days of the Rishis until
those of the Theosophical Society - came to the knowledge of the author in a
way that would seem to the ordinary run of Europeans strange and supernatural.
Those who prefer
to read “Five Years of Theosophy” in
paper can buy it directly from Raja Yoga Books.
The book “Five Years of Theosophy”
was published in our associated websites on 19 June 2018.