The Universal
Wisdom Expressed In a Few Words
Helena P. Blavatsky
Helena P. Blavatsky
Himalayas, in a painting by Nicholas Roerich
2015 Editorial Note:
In 1890, a
compilation was published in
London of
Eastern thoughts which had been
collected and
written down by H. P. Blavatsky.
It presented one
idea for each day of the year
and had the
title “Gems From the East”. The
book is now part
of volume XII in the “Collected
Writings” of
H.P.B. The following axioms are a
selection from
the months of November and
December, and
they close the present series.
(Carlos Cardoso
* In every blessing think of its end, in every misfortune
think of its removal.
* If justice predominates not over injustice in a man,
he will speedily fall into ruin.
* Vain hopes cut man off from every good, but the
renunciation of avarice prevents every ill.
* Patience leads to power, but lust leads to loss.
* By wisdom is the gift of knowledge displayed; by
knowledge are high things obtained.
* In calamity are men’s virtues proved, and by long
absence is their friendship tested.
* That man who accurately understands the movement and
the cause of the revolutions of the wheel of life is never deluded.
* Days end with sunset, nights with the rising of the
sun; the end of pleasure is ever grief, the end of grief ever pleasure.
* All action ends in destruction; death is certain for
whatever is born; everything in this world is transient.
* In poverty is benevolence assayed, and in the moment
of anger is a man’s truthfulness displayed.
* By truth alone is man’s mind purified, and by right
discipline it does become inspired.
* Intelligence is shown by good judgment.
* Whoso takes good advice is secure from falling; but
whoso rejects it, falleth into the pit of his own conceit.
* He who bestows bounty on mankind, makes of mankind
his debtor in a future birth.
* The envious man is never satisfied, nor can he ever
hope to become great.
* The more a man clothes himself in modesty, the
better does he conceal his faults.
* The best policy for a man is not to boast of his
* The kindest policy for a strong man is not to
flourish his power in the sight of a weaker man.
* Intelligence is not shown by witty words, but by
wise actions.
* The brave man of whose prowess all men stand in
need, will never be distressed by adversaries.
* The most precious gift received by man on earth is
desire for wisdom.
* In health and wealth man is never in want of
friends. True friends, however, are those who remain when they are needed.
* Of all the animals on earth, man alone has the
faculty of causing moral trouble.
* A great man is he who is proof against flattery,
vanity, injustice, and the love of pomp and power.
* The wise man is he who can either take or leave
those so-called necessities of life with which other people are intemperate.
* To hold on with fortitude in one condition, and sobriety
in the other, is a proof of a great soul and an impregnable virtue.
* Let every action be done with perfect gravity,
humanity, freedom, and justice, and perform it as though that action were your
* A man can rarely be unhappy by being ignorant of
another’s thoughts; but he that does not attend to the motions of his own is
certainly unhappy.
* Do not let accidents disturb, or outward objects
engross your thoughts; but keep your mind quiet and disengaged, to be ready to
learn something good.
* Manage all your action, words, and thoughts
accordingly, since you can at any moment quit life.
* Depend not upon external supports, nor beg your
tranquility of another. In a word, never throw away your legs to stand upon
* If you examine a man that has been well-disciplined
and purified by philosophy, you will find nothing that is unsound, false, or
foul in him.
* Life moves in a very narrow compass; yes, and men
live in a small corner of the world too.
* Poor transitory mortals know little even of
themselves, much less of those who died long before their time.
* Death and generation are both mysteries of nature,
and resemble each other; the first does but dissolve those elements the latter
had combined.
* Do not suppose you are hurt, and your complaint
ceases. Cease your complaint, and you are not hurt.
* At present your nature is distinct; but ere long you
will vanish into the whole: you will be returned into that universal reason
which gave you your being.
* Do not act as if you had ten thousand years to throw
away. Death stands at your elbow. Be good for something, while you live, and it
is in your power.
* If you depend too servilely upon the good word of
other people, you will be unworthy of your own nature.
* Whatever is good has that quality from itself; it is
finished by its own nature, and commendation is no part of it.
On the role of the esoteric movement in
the ethical awakening of mankind during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical
Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.
Published in
2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist,
the volume has 255 pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.