An Ancient
Description Of
The Philosophical
Way of Life
Hierocles of Alexandria
Partial reproduction of an image published in the book “The
Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library”, Compiled and Translated
by Kenneth Guthrie, Phanes Press, Michigan, USA, 1987, 361 pp.
Editorial Note:
P. Blavatsky wrote:
brought his doctrines from Eastern sanctuaries”. [1]
Indeed, the
following 71 Golden Verses are highly significant to both eastern and
western students of esoteric philosophy. The ethical commitment the Verses
teach about is a central lesson for theosophists of every Age and under any
circumstances. The wisdom in these lines is of a depth that can only be
gradually grasped. The Verses are considered by many as one of the main
Pythagorean texts available.
We reproduce N.
Rowe’s and Guthrie’s version, which is seen as the most classical one, in
English language -; except, perhaps, for Rowe’s own poetical rendering of the
Verses. [2]
Hierocles of
Alexandria, a Pythagorean and Neoplatonist, lived in the first half of fifth
century, Christian Era.
(Carlos Cardoso
[1] “Mind
in Nature”, an article included in “Theosophical Articles”, H.P. Blavatsky,
Theosophy Co. Los Angeles, 1981, volume II, p. 221. The sentence can also be
found at “H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writings”, TPH, vol. XIII, p. 268.
[2] Our
source is “The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library”, compiled and translated by
Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie, Phanes Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, 1987, 361
pp., see pp. 163-165. Nicholas Rowe made his version into English in 1707, from
the French of André Dacier (Paris, 1706). The Theosophical Publishing House in
the United Kingdom published in 1971 the “Commentaries of Hierocles on the
Golden Verses of Pythagoras” (132 pp.). Yet its verses are not completely the
same in English words as the one’s presented by Guthrie. It seems many
different editors have adapted Rowe’s classical English to present-day language
in different ways, while simply ascribing their texts to N. Rowe.
The Golden Verses
of Pythagoras
1. First honor the immortal Gods, as the law
2. Then reverence
thy oath, and the illustrious heroes;
3. Then venerate
the divinities under the earth, due rites performing,
4. Then honor your
parents, and all of your kindred;
5. Among others
make the most virtuous thy friend;
6. Love to make
use of his soft speeches, and learn from his deeds that are useful;
7. But alienate
not the beloved comrade for trifling offences,
8. Bear all you
can, what you can, for power is bound to necessity.
9. Take this well
to heart: you must gain control of your habits;
10. First over
stomach, then sleep, and then luxury, and anger.
11. What brings
you shame, do not unto others, nor by yourself.
12. The highest of
duties is honor of self.
13. Let Justice be
practiced in words as in deeds;
14. Then make the
habit, never inconsiderately to act;
15. Neither forget
that death is appointed to all;
16. That
possessions here gladly gathered, here must be left;
17. Whatever
sorrow the fate of the Gods may here send us,
18. Bear, whatever
may strike you, with patience unmurmuring.
19. To relieve it,
so far as you can, is permitted,
20. But reflect
that not much misfortune has Fate given to the good.
21 The speech of
the people is various, now good, and now evil;
22. So let them
not frighten you, nor keep you from your purpose.
23. If false
calumnies come to your ear, support it in patience;
24. Yet that which
I now am declaring, fulfill it faithfully:
25. Let no one
with speech or with deeds ever deceive you
26. To do or to
say what is not the best.
27. Think, before
you act, that nothing stupid results;
28. To act
inconsiderately is part of a fool;
29. Yet whatever
later will not bring you repentance, that you should carry through.
30. Do nothing
beyond what you know,
31. Yet learn what
you may need; thus shall your life grow happy.
32. Do not neglect
the health of the body;
33. Keep measure
in eating and drinking, and every exercise of the body;
34. By measure, I
mean what later will not induce pain;
35. Follow clean
habits of life, but not the luxurious;
36. Avoid all
things which will arouse envy.
37. At the wrong
time, never be prodigal, as if you did not know what was proper;
38. Nor show
yourself stingy, for a due measure is ever the best.
39. Do only those
things which will not harm thee, and deliberate before you act.
40. Never let
slumber approach thy wearied eye-lids,
41. Ere thrice you
reviewed what this day you did;
42. Wherein have I
sinned? What did I? What duty is neglected?
43. All, from the
first to the last, review; and if you have erred, grieve in your spirit,
rejoicing for all that was good.
45. With zeal and
with industry, this, then repeat; and learn to repeat it with joy.
46. Thus wilt thou
tread on the paths of heavenly virtue.
47. Surely, I
swear it by him who into our souls has transmitted the Sacred Quaternary [1],
48. The spring of eternal
49. Never start on
your task until you have implored the blessing of the Gods.
50. If this you
hold fast, soon will you recognize of Gods and mortal men
51. The true
nature of existence, how everything passes and returns.
52. Then will you
see what is true, how Nature in all is most equal,
53. So that you
hope not for what has no hope, nor that anything should escape you.
54. Men shall you
find whose sorrows themselves have created,
55. Wretches who
see not the Good, that is too near, nothing they hear;
56. Few know how
to help themselves in misfortune.
57. That is the
Fate that blinds humanity; in circles,
58. Hither and yon
they run in endless sorrows;
59. For they are
followed by a grim companion, disunion within themselves;
60. Unnoticed;
never rouse him, and fly from before him!
61. Father Zeus, O
free them all from sufferings so great,
62. Or show unto
each the Genius [2], who is their guide!
63. Yet, do not
fear, for the mortals are divine by race,
64. To whom holy
Nature everything will reveal and demonstrate;
65. Whereof if you
have received, so keep what I teach you;
66. Healing your
soul, you shall remain insured from manifold evil.
67. Avoid foods
forbidden, reflect that this contributes to the cleanliness
68. And redemption
of your soul. Consider all things well:
69. Let reason,
the gift divine, be thy highest guide;
70. Then should
you be separated from the body, and soar in the aether,
71. You will you
be imperishable, a divinity, a mortal no more.
[1] That
is, the Sacred Tetraktys or Tetrad, which is discussed by H. P. Blavatsky in
her writings. (CCA)
Genius; higher self, immortal soul. (CCA)
On the role of the esoteric movement in the ethical
awakening of mankind during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”, by
Carlos Cardoso Aveline.
Published in 2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist, the volume has 255 pages and can be
obtained through Amazon Books.