Nov 8, 2024

The Aquarian Theosophist, November 2024


The November 2024 edition of Aquarian Theosophist starts with an article by Radha Burnier:

The Slippery Road to Degeneration”.

Radha says:

Civilizations rise and fall in constant succession, and studies show that when a people enjoy affluence and become addicted to luxury, decay begins in the life of the nation. The Roman Empire provides an example of how a well-established regime can collapse from the mental weaknesses induced by too much success and self-indulgence.”

Time is a mysterious thing, and the article by Radha seems to be more important now than in the moment it first appeared. 

But as usual the luminous side of life leads one to victory, as long as right discernment and austerity are both present. Page four presents “Keep Your Eyes on Your Ideals: The Art of Solving Problems”. On page five we have “A Student of Esoteric Philosophy Asks a Question About the USA”.

The note “Why Did the Amish Vote in the 2024 Elections?” is on page eight.  

Other topics in the present edition:

* Helena P. Blavatsky: The Dream of Joseph and the Astrology of the Bible.

* Thoughts Along the Road: Cherishing Our Countries Again Means Simply Recovering Common Sense.

* Vedic Astrology and the Secret Doctrine: an article by Steven H. Levy.

* The Independent Lodge on TRUTH Social.

* Two Poems on Spiritual Light - by Michael Smith.

* Moral Strength in Judo and Theosophy.

With 24 pages, the November edition includes the List of New Items in our websites.  


The above edition of The Aquarian was published on 08 November 2024. The entire collection of the journal is available HERE.

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Helena Blavatsky (photo) wrote these words: “Deserve, then desire”.