Starting from Scratch, Strengthening One’s Will
Since time immemorial, the idea of Truth has always possessed an immense beneficial power. There are strong reasons, therefore, for the motto of the theosophical movement to be: “There is no religion higher than Truth.”
The simple sound Truth is a good mantra. The word helps the Truth-seeker as long as he keeps it near him. [1]
A target of systematic criticism, marginalized and stigmatized by decadent commercial media, the small social network TRUTH Social is part of the spearhead of a vast cultural and spontaneous movement without borders and with no name or formal organization, but which actively defends the moral values that have sustained civilized nations since the beginning of humanity.
The basic goals of the movement include the valorization of the natural human family, the search for international peace, a fight against the causes of wars, the promotion of mutual respect among nations, the defense of freedom of thought, the search for ethical wisdom and an educational effort to free human beings from drug use, alcoholism and various forms of sexual perversion - some of which, in fact, are promoted today by the Western media.
It is the duty of the theosophical movement to help give this humanist movement a clear spiritual dimension, and a lucid and enlightening philosophical force. Significant and growing sectors of Christianity and Judaism are doing that already. [2]
In this context, the Independent Lodge of Theosophists began in July 2024 to plant seeds of its theosophical work on TRUTH Social:
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Joana Maria Ferreira de Pinho
On the other hand, this is our first Hispanic page:
Teosofía en Español
And these are some Portuguese language pages of the ILT on TRUTH:
Teosofia Independente
Treinar a Vontade
Arnalene Passos do Carmo
Blavatsky Teosofia:
It’s free and relatively easy to open an account on TRUTH. However, readers who have no account can freely visit our pages there.
Having some three million users, TRUTH is small. And that’s not a problem: on the contrary. In the current planetary transition, it makes sense to start from scratch, so to say. [3]
The ILT has the great honor of being the first theosophical presence in the magnetic field of TRUTH.
In this new and subtle territory, we are among the pioneers of the larger esoteric movement as a whole. Such a circumstance allows us to contribute in a unique way to the formation of a septenary aura in TRUTH, endowed with higher levels of consciousness which are sufficiently active and appropriate to the new times, but loyal to the ethical theosophy of the original teachings.
The occasion has come to move towards the victory of Truth and spiritual light which Helena Blavatsky said would take place during the 21st century, and TRUTH deserves to be among our fields of action during the current planetary transition. [4]
The right place for the ILT to be, from a karmic and magnetic point of view, is within the almost invisible spearhead that breaks illusions and firmly projects the constructive energy of human beings in the direction of the ethical humanity of the future.
[1] See for instance “No Religion Higher Than Truth”.
[2] Read and meditate upon the article Two Karmic Fields in the Planetary Transition.
[3] In October 2024, activities in Portuguese in this space were next to zero. The advancement of the ILT on TRUTH in this language may be slow. We are helping to inaugurate TRUTH in the cultural world of Portuguese-speaking nations.
[4] See “The Battle of Truth”, item 8, and other items as well.
“The Independent Lodge on TRUTH Social” was published on the websites of the Independent Lodge of Theosophists on 23 October 2024.
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Helena Blavatsky (photo) wrote these words: “Deserve, then desire”.