Aug 9, 2024

The Aquarian Theosophist, August 2024


The August 2024 edition of the Aquarian Theosophist starts with the article “The Daily Alchemy: Loyalty and Courage Lead to Victory”.

Page seven brings you a question and an answer: “Why Donald J. Trump?” These words are part of the article:

Theosophy despises disgusting criminal activities such as political assassinations of leaders of nations, both moral and physical. You may know what happened to John F. Kennedy when it became clear that he wanted peace between Russia and the United States …”.

On page 10 you can read “Trump Promises to End the Conflict in Ukraine, and Theosophy is Against Wars”.

Other topics in this edition:

* Peace Among Nations - CNN: Hungary, a Member of European Union, Announces the End of Western Dominance and Says that Asia is Leading the World From Now.

* Commentaries to the Golden Stairs - Observing Fourteen Ideas That Sum Up the Theosophical Path.

* Every Human Being Learns All the Time - Mark Zuckerberg Apologizes to Donald Trump.

* The Bright Side of Wisdom - Dream Big and Take Action.

* Thoughts Along the Road - Two Karmic Fields in the 2020s. The Implosion of Ignorance and the Unchaining of Common Sense.

* Two Poems on the Universe - by Michael Smith. “The message that I bring to you was birthed before the stars.”

* Avoid Intermediaries - build your own direct access to eternal wisdom. 

With 23 pages, the August edition includes the List of New Items in our websites.  


The above edition of The Aquarian was published on 09 August 2024. The entire collection of the journal is available HERE.

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Helena Blavatsky (photo) wrote these words: “Deserve, then desire”.