The Aquarian for March starts with the article “The Comedy of Mutual Accusations”, by H.P. Blavatsky. The question is: can we humans get rid of envy and aggression?
“Jambunada’s Wedding Feast”, the story of a spiritual marriage in ancient India, is on page three.
“Dalai Lama Worked With the CIA”, acknowledges the article on pages four and five. The subtitle explains: “Yet the Use of the So-Called Tibetan Buddhism by the CIA Should Be No Surprise”.
Other topics:
* “Our Oneness With Infinite Life”, by O.S. Marden. In Spite of Our Failures and Blunders, The Nations Are Coming Closer Together.
* A link to the article “Berdyaev and the Search for Truth”.
* Akasha and Astral Light - Two Basic Terms in Esoteric Philosophy, by Helena P. Blavatsky.
* Preparing the Omega Point.
* Power of Will - A Statement of General Principles, by Frank Channing Haddock.
* A 3,000 Years Esoteric School - The Advanced Levels of the Search for Wisdom.
* Thoughts Along the Road - Stable Peace in Dangerous Times.
With 22 pages, the edition includes the List of New Items in our websites.
The above edition of The Aquarian was published on 08 March 2024. The entire collection of the journal is available HERE.
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Helena Blavatsky (photo) wrote these words: “Deserve, then desire”.