Going Slow One Goes Far, Provided
That One Knows Where One Wants to Go
* The sensible spiritual pilgrim maintains a correct
ratio between his intellectual life and his emotional world. If there is an
appropriate balance between these two factors, the spiritual soul will be clearly
* The study of theosophical and philosophical
literature must be done from an experiential point of view. It is necessary for
the pilgrim to observe his own feelings regarding the sacred knowledge he seeks
to obtain. If he has a feeling of vanity and personal possession, or seeks
prestige, the study becomes useless, and often worse than useless. When the
feeling is not one of vanity, the
pilgrim feels devotion, reverence, gratitude, or a combination of these three
factors. Such feelings must come naturally; trying to fabricate them can only
lead to hypocrisy and self-delusion.
* It is false to think that “through the study of sacred topics we transcend the entire emotional
world”. Eliminating emotions is impossible. They are part of the soul. When
someone expels his feelings from the field of self-awareness, he is just
pushing them into the subconscious and refusing to look at them. They thus
become even worse. Numerous students of esoteric philosophy do this. They then
develop an enthusiasm about their supposed talent for using beautiful words;
they nurture feelings of envy towards their colleagues, consider themselves
better than others, adopt emotional and intellectual poses as if they were
great sages, and seek to gain the admiration of other people. As a result, they
often have bad thoughts about their colleagues.
* He who wants to obtain the applause of others does
not aim at reaching the truth, nor to improve himself. He wants instead to
escape from the undeniable truth of the fact that he is spiritually ignorant.
And he also intends to ignore the blissful fact that, if he is willing to make
a constant effort, and if he is patient enough, he will gradually overcome his
own ignorance, prepare himself and learn something. He who abandons
childishness takes responsibility for his own life.
* Going slow one goes far, provided that one knows
where one wants to go. Making progress along the road is possible, if the
pilgrim walks with calm vigilance.
The Church of
* Both Christian mystics and Theosophists know that
the thoughtful person goes to his or her temple every day, and that such a temple
is his own personal soul. Just like the temple of Solomon, the sanctuary of
every theosophical and philosophical pilgrim is built without noise.
* In this work there is no need for physical walls or
any hammering that can be heard. Good habits are its walls. Good deeds, its
bricks.[1] A noble intention is the cement that holds things together.
The windows, a correct way of looking at life. Humbleness is the ceiling. The
floor and foundation is the decision to seek the Supreme. When the personal
soul is ready, the divine beings get near. The deity in the temple is one’s
immortal soul. It is the celestial intelligence, one and multiple. It is the
Law of the universe.
The Basis of a Social
* Social structures depend on a shared view of life
and on the notion of a common future for which one is glad to make sacrifices. Mutual
confidence, and above all mutual reliability, are the substance of a lasting
cooperation. In the absence of these conditions, social structures are
unsustainable. The inner substance of every true civilization is situated on
the realm of spirit and soul.
Jesus and the Cycle of Initiations
* H. P. Blavatsky wrote: “Every act of the Jesus of
the New Testament, every word attributed to him, every event related of him
during the three years of the mission he is said to have accomplished, rests on
the programme of the Cycle of Initiation, a cycle founded on the Precession of
the Equinoxes and the Signs of the Zodiac.” [2]
[1] The actions, or
bricks, must be regular, stable, firm, and as uniform as possible.
[2] Helena P. Blavatsky, in her “Collected Writings”,
TPH, USA, Vol. IX, p. 225.
The above article
was published as an independent item in the associated websites on 05 June
2023. An initial version of it - with no indication as to the name of the
author - is part of the April 2021 edition of “The Aquarian Theosophist”, pp. 14-15.
Read more:
Print the texts you
study from the associated websites. Reading on paper helps us attain a deeper view
of philosophical texts. When studying a printed text, the reader can underline sentences
and make handwritten comments in the margins that link the ideas to his personal
Helena Blavatsky
(photo) wrote these words: “Deserve,
then desire”.