Twelve Prophetical
On Our Cycle and the Next One
On Our Cycle and the Next One
Carlos Cardoso
Aveline (Ed.)

Statements and commentaries on the
future of mankind, selected from the writings
of H. P. Blavatsky and the Mahatma Letters.
The references are at the end of each fragment.
1. A Master: The Law of Rebirth of the
… Nor do we feel in
any way concerned about the revival of our ancient arts and high civilization,
for these are as sure to come back in their time, and in a higher form as the
Plesiosaurus and the Megatherium in theirs. We have the weakness to believe in
ever recurrent cycles and hope to quicken
the resurrection of what is past and gone. We could not impede it even if we would. The “new civilization” will
be but the child of the old one, and we have but to leave the eternal law to
take its own course to have our dead ones come out of their graves; yet, we are
certainly anxious to hasten the welcome event. Fear not; although we do “cling
superstitiously to the relics of the Past” our knowledge will not pass away
from the sight of man. It is the “gift of the gods” and the most precious relic
of all. The keepers of the sacred Light did not safely cross so many ages but
to find themselves wrecked on the rocks of modern scepticism.
2. HPB: The Past Contains the Seeds of the
“The world’s great
age begins anew,
The golden years
The earth doth
like a snake renew
Her winter weeds
-SHELLEY [Hellas, lines 1060-63]
“My friend, the
golden age hath passed away,
Only the good have
power to bring it back ...”
What had the
author of Prometheus Unbound in his
mind’s eye when writing about the return of the golden days, and the new
beginning of the world’s great age? Has his poetical foresight carried his “Vision of the Nineteenth Century” into
the “One Hundred and Nineteenth,” or has that vision revealed to him in
gorgeous imagery the things to come which are the things that were?
Fichte assures
us it is “a phenomenon of frequent occurrence, particularly in past ages,” that
“what we shall become is pictured by
something which we already have been;
and that what we have to obtain is represented as something which we have
formerly lost.” And he adds, “what Rousseau, under the name of the state of
Nature, and the old poets by the title of the Golden Age, place behind us, lies actually before us.”
Such is also
Tennyson’s idea, when he says:
“Old writers
push’d the happy season back,-
The more fools
they,- we forward: dreamers both …” [1]
Happy the
optimist in whose heart the nightingale of hope can still sing, with all the
iniquity and cold selfishness of the present age before his eyes! Our century
is a boastful age, as proud as it is hypocritical; as cruel as it is
Writings”, H.P. Blavatsky, TPH, USA, volume XI, pp. 186-187.)
[1] “The Golden Year”, lines
65-66. (Note by Boris de Zirkoff)
3. A Master: How a March to Absolute Evil is Arrested
When your race -
the fifth [1] - will have reached at its zenith of physical intellectuality, and developed the highest civilization
(remember the difference we make between material
and spiritual civilizations); unable
to go any higher in its own cycle - its progress towards absolute evil will be arrested (as its predecessors the Lemurians
and Atlanteans, the men of the third and fourth races were arrested in their
progress toward the same) by one of such cataclysmic changes; its great
civilization destroyed, and all the sub-races of that race will be found going down their respective cycles, after a
short period of glory and learning. See the remnants of the Atlanteans, - the
old Greeks and Romans …
[1] The mahatma seems to be referring
into a large extent to the fifth (Western) sub-race, which has
been leading the fifth root-race. The teacher himself belongs to the fifth
Root-Race. If he meant the fifth root-race as a whole he could have said
“When our race - the fifth…”. In his sentence, “your” means
“Western”. He is writing to a British citizen. Besides, the master is here talking
about civilizations, which are a relatively short-term phenomenon and relate
more to sub-races than to entire root-races. However, any particular sub-race,
and even a particular civilization - like the present Western one - may lead
an entire root-race for some time. Our Western
civilization can lead mankind to a disaster of considerable proportions, through
a nuclear war or other forms of environmental disruption; but the duty of Theosophists
is to help prevent unnecessary suffering. Hence the warning made by the Eastern
teacher. The next fragment, “An
Anxious Process of Self-Annihilation”, confirms that the master is
referring mainly to Western Civilization and the fifth sub-race. (CCA)
4. A Master: An Anxious Process of Self-Annihilation
What do you know
of America, for instance, before the invasion of that country by the Spaniards?
Less than two centuries prior to the arrival of Cortez there was as great a
‘rush’ towards progress among the sub-races
of Peru and Mexico as there is now in Europe and the U.S.A. Their sub-race
ended in nearly total annihilation through causes generated by itself; so will
yours at the end of its cycle.
5. HPB: The Deceptive Appearances of
Western ‘Civilization’
Those who are
not to be moved by either hysterical emotion or a holy fear of the multitudes
and propriety; those, whom the voice of their conscience - “that still small
voice” which, when heard, deafens the mighty roar of Niagara Falls itself and
will not permit them to lie to their own souls - remain outside.
For these there
is no hope in this departing age, and they may as well give up all expectation.
They are born out of due time. Such
is the terrible picture presented by our present cycle, now nearing its close,
to those from whose eyes the scales of prejudice, preconception and partiality
have fallen, and who see the truth that lies behind the deceptive appearances
of our Western “civilization”.
Writings”, H.P. Blavatsky, TPH, USA, volume XI, p. 201.)
6. HPB: Will a New Day Dawn for Mankind?
But what has the
new cycle in store for humanity? Will it be merely a continuation of the
present, only in darker and more terrible colours? Or shall a new day dawn for
mankind, a day of pure sunlight, of truth, of charity, of true happiness for
all? The answer depends mainly on the few Theosophists who, true to their
colours through good repute and ill, still fight the battle of Truth against
the powers of Darkness.
Writings”, H.P. Blavatsky, TPH, USA, volume XI, pp. 201-202.)
7. HPB: What Happens if Divine Wisdom
If Theosophy
prevailing in the struggle, its all-embracing philosophy strikes deep root into
the minds and hearts of men, if its doctrines of Reincarnation and Karma, in
other words, of Hope and Responsibility, find a home in the lives of the new
generations, then, indeed, will dawn the day of joy and gladness for all who
now suffer and are outcast. For real Theosophy IS ALTRUISM, and we cannot
repeat it too often. It is brotherly love, mutual help, unswerving devotion to
Truth. If once men do but realize that in these alone can true happiness be
found, and never in wealth, possessions, or any selfish gratification, then the
dark clouds will roll away, and a new humanity will be born upon earth. Then,
the GOLDEN AGE will be there, indeed.
But if not, then
the storm will burst, and our boasted western civilization and enlightenment
will sink in such a sea of horror that its parallel History has never yet
Writings”, H.P. Blavatsky, TPH, USA, volume XI, p. 202.)
8. HPB: The Victory of Light, and the
Western Cycle
… Error is
powerful only on the surface, prevented as she is by Occult Nature from going
any deeper; for the same Occult Nature encircles the whole globe, in every
direction, leaving not even the darkest corner unvisited. And, whether by
phenomenon or miracle, by spirit-hook or bishop’s crook, Occultism must win the
day, before the present era reaches “Sani’s (Saturn’s) triple septenary” of the
Western Cycle in Europe, in other words - before the end of the twenty-first
century “A.D.”
Writings”, H.P. Blavatsky, TPH, USA, volume XIV, p. 27.)
9. HPB: The Responsibility of Theosophists
Theosophy first,
and Theosophy last; for its practical
realization alone can save the Western world from that selfish and unbrotherly
feeling that now divides race from race, one nation from the other; and from
that hatred of class and social considerations that are the curse and disgrace
of so-called Christian peoples. Theosophy alone can save it from sinking entirely
into that mere luxurious materialism in which it will decay and putrefy as
civilizations have done. In your hands, brothers, is placed in trust the
welfare of the coming century; and great as is the trust, so great is also the
10. A Master: The Movement is a Collective
I regret deeply
my inability to satisfy the honest, sincere aspirations of a few chosen ones
among your group - not at least, for the present. Could but your L.L. [London Lodge] understand, or so much as
suspect, that the present crisis that is shaking the T.S. [the theosophical movement] to its foundations is a question of
perdition or salvation to thousands; a question of the progress of the human
race or its retrogression, of its glory or dishonour, and for the majority of
this race - of being or not being, of
annihilation, in fact - perchance many of you would look into the very root of
evil, and instead of being guided by false appearances and scientific
decisions, you would set to work and save the situation by disclosing the
dishonourable doings of your missionary world.
11. HPB: The Destiny of the Theosophical Seeds
Our Society [the theosophical movement] is the tree
of Brotherhood, grown from a kernel planted in the Earth by the angel of
Charity and Justice, the day the first Cain slew the first Abel. (..…) Being a
nucleus of a true Brotherhood, it depends upon them to make of their Society an
ark destined, in a future not too distant, to transport the humanity of a new
cycle beyond the vast muddy waters of the deluge of hopeless materialism. These
waters are rising and at the present moment flood all the civilized countries.
Are we going to let the good perish with the bad, afraid of the hue and cry and
the ridicule of the latter, either against The Theosophical [Movement] or ourselves? Are we going to
see them perish one after the other, one from fatigue, the other vainly seeking
the ray of sunlight which shines for all, without throwing them a plank of
salvation? Never!
Writings”, H.P. Blavatsky, TPH, USA, volume XI, pp. 281-282.)
12. HPB: Earth Will be a Heaven in the
21st Century
… If the
Theosophical [Movement] survives and
lives true to its mission, to its original impulses through the next hundred
years - tell me, I say, if I go too far in asserting that earth will be a
heaven in the twenty-first century in comparison with what it is now [in the nineteenth] !
The above text
was published as an independent item in the associated websites on 26 May 2022.
It is also part of the April 2022 edition of “The Aquarian Theosophist”, pp. 1-6.
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