A Tremendous Inspiring
Force, and a Real Spiritual Guide
Joan Sutcliffe
An image from the Library of the Independent Lodge of Theosophists.
The I.L.T. aims at learning from the experience of the H.P.B. Library.
A 2021 Editorial Note:
The “HPB Library” was established in 1917
in Canada by inspiration of Mrs. Alice
Cleather, and its main purpose was the study
in the
first place of the teachings of the Masters
and HPB.
It preserved an independence from both the
of William Judge and the followers of Annie
The present article is reproduced from “The Canadian
Theosophist”, Toronto, Canada, Sept-Oct
1991, pp. 85-87.
The esoteric line of H.P.B.’s teachings lost a
powerful and dedicated worker in Michael Freeman’s passing on July 14, 1991.
Since 1969 he was the custodian of the H.P.B. Library, which was established in
1917 by Alice Leighton Cleather as an independent centre, distinct from the
Theosophical Society and other organized Theosophical groups. The background
tone of the Library was based on Mrs. Cleather’s experience as a personal pupil
of H.P.B. since 1887, then a member of her Esoteric Section, and later the
Inner Group. After the withdrawal of H.P.B. and the consequential split in the
Society, followed by the death of William Q. Judge, she became disillusioned
with the new leaders and their personal biases which were being presented as
Theosophy. In those days, being before the publication of the Mahatma Letters, there was much
confusion and many students were unclear as to what the Masters had really
taught. So, having ended her association with all formal Theosophical bodies,
she founded the Library as a centre for making available the Ancient Wisdom as
taught and approved by H.P.B. and the Adepts.
Michael Freeman first came
in contact with the H.P.B. Library in
1932 at a young age, and studied for many years under Mrs. Hildegard Henderson,
then the operator of this spiritual centre. Because Mrs. Cleather had received
esoteric instructions and philosophy from H.P.B. as a pledged pupil, the
attitude of the Library was serious, always emphasizing occult responsibility
rather than intellectual satisfactions. The teaching via Mrs. Henderson was
rigorous, demanding a lifetime’s allegiance, its study and practice bringing in
their wake trials and tribulations. Early on, Michael recognized this as an
inevitable reaction to the privilege of stepping, however slightly, within the
pale of cosmic forces: and no matter what the outer man must undergo it is the
Inner Disciple who can and does come through the test. Undeviatingly, he
followed this path right to the end.
While still a young man he
made a special study of Damodar, collecting together everything written by him,
and all information, known and obscure, pertaining to him. This study was
prepared in book form and published by the H.P.B. Library under the title “Concerning
Damodar”. At the time this was a new venture and an important task as
Damodar was named by H.P.B. as the one successful chela.
Nowadays there is an
abundance of gurus, and so-called mystical societies flourish. However, the
outlook of the H.P.B. Library is
based on the recognition of the uniqueness of the effort made by the Mahatmas
through H.P.B. It occurred at a particular point in the sidereal cycle, 2,500
years after Buddha, and 5,000 years after Krishna. It had the great and
esoteric purpose, not to be repeated until another special cyclic point, of
actually opening up to humanity at large the age old secret path to the
Masters. The way to initiation was made available to whomever could attain it
through the living practice of universal brotherhood.
It was this spirit of the
Library that Michael devoted his whole life to preserving. Occultly the Library
takes the perspective that, in spite of the failure of the T.S. to live up to
its original high purpose, the path to the Masters is always open to the
determined and one-pointed individual. Anyone can become a chela at any time in
one’s inner self. It means establishing one’s own inner commitment, setting
one’s own standards and tests, and most importantly the constant redirection of
the will. The key words are in one’s inner self, for this has nothing to
do with the personal self, which must be risen above. This is the hardest task,
the work of lifetimes, but the inescapable rule. In this connection Michael
stressed the necessity of making the concept of brotherhood a practical
reality, for in his inmost essence the neophyte is one with all other beings.
Having sprung from the One Life, the Whole is contained within him as he is in
the Whole. Where one’s life is motivated by compassion for all souls, the
personal desires and passions lose their vitality; conversely when detachment
is attained one can become a helper of humanity.
Michael Freeman always
refused recognition as a teacher, as “the finger pointing to the moon is not
the moon”. Yet to many students he was a tremendous inspiring force and a real
spiritual guide. To the earnest seeker there were no lengths of trouble he
would not take in giving help and encouragement; and most of all he passed on
the teachings by his own practical example. The importance of setting up one’s
own inner centre was something he insisted upon, for unless the spiritual fire
within is firmly established, when the teacher has gone the pupil will flounder
hopelessly by every passing wave of Maya. Therefore, in all Library contacts he
always addressed the Inner Man, and his message was based on the injunction:
“Thou canst not travel on the Path before thou hast become that Path itself”.
Exoterically, from the
historical angle, the Library houses complete collections of original bound
volumes of old Theosophical magazines, such as The Theosophist, Lucifer,
The Path, and many lesser known
publications. It is also a depository for much interesting and informative
correspondence between members of differing standpoints during earlier and
critical periods in the Movement. As such it has been a valuable source for
research students in the past, and Michael was always helpful in assisting and
making this material available.
Those who have made a
pilgrimage to the H.P.B. Library,
whether in search of history or metaphysics, all alike have been struck by the
beauty of the surroundings, the peacefulness amidst gardens and fruit trees,
the warm family welcome. Yet, through Michael’s care and attitude the library
has retained its occult atmosphere, impersonal and pure.
During the last five years
of his life, Michael encountered much suffering. It seems to have been the
suffering of all great souls taking on an extra load of karma, hopefully to
free the eternal Ego for a good start in the next cycle.
To Mrs. Jean Freeman and the
family, all Theosophists will send their kind thoughts. Jean, herself a
searcher into the philosophy, was a true Theosophical companion, always ready
to sacrifice personal feelings for the cause. Every visitor will attest to her
firm background support to the Library.
The article “Michael
Freeman and the H.P.B. Library” was published at the associated websites on
6 September 2021.
With the death of Mr. Freeman in 1991, Ms. Joan
Sutcliffe assumed responsibility for the H.P.B.
Library and moved it to Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Click to see
articles and books by Alice Leighton Cleather.
Examine the
article “Studies in the Pre-History of
the ILT - From the 1890s to the Decade of 2020”, which is part of “The
Aquarian Theosophist”, July 2021 edition.
Read more:
* “How to Build a Theosophical Lodge”.
* “Annotations on Karma”.
* “Immortal Sages Humbly Obey the Law”.
Helena Blavatsky
(photo) wrote these words: “Deserve,
then desire”.