Jun 26, 2021

The Science of Tears

 Love Patience and Poverty in Your Heart, So
That Your Spirit May Unite and Collect Itself

Manuel Bernardes

A 2021 Editorial Note:
The following text is reproduced
from the work “Luz e Calor”, by the
Portuguese Oratorian thinker Manuel
Bernardes, published by Lello & Irmão
Editores, Porto, Portugal, 1991 edition in
two volumes, see vol. I, pp. 319-320.
Manuel Bernardes was born on 20
August 1644, and died on 17 August 1710.
I add a few explanatory notes.
(Carlos Cardoso Aveline)
The gift of tears is placed as a mark or beacon on the path of Prayer, between corporeal and spiritual things; and between viciousness and purity. As long as man does not receive this gift, the property of his work remains in the outer man; nor can he yet feel the efficacy of the hidden things of the inner and spiritual man.
But when someone starts to go further, to leave the things of the outer world behind, and has passed the limit that defines it or the realm of nature, then he comes to touch the grace of tears, by which he is led to the perfect love of God.[1] And the more he walks, the more he gets rich in this gift, until he drinks the tears mixed with what he drinks and eats: Potum meum cum fletu miscebam! (Psalmus CI, Sixto-Clementine). And this is the sure sign that his spirit left this world and entered the spiritual world, which he has within himself.
There are tears that dissect and burn; and there are others, which water and fertilize. Those that proceed from the heart because of sins, dissect and burn the body, and offend the brain. [2] But through these, one gets to have another and better order of tears, which emanate with no violence from the understanding; and they bring the taste, the joy and the fertility of virtues. With the first ones, the soul is washed, as in a hot bath. With the second, it is adorned, as with clear pearls.
To spend a large part of the night in holy exercises, must be considered a very precious thing: so that you may find the divine consolation that is the best to your soul. Persevere in the holy lesson, being alone with yourself, so that your spirit may have a guide that will lead you to the wonders and greatness of God. [3] Love patience and poverty in your heart, so that your spirit may gather, unite and collect itself, away from where it was vague and scattered. You must reject the low and pleasant affability; that you may keep your thoughts undisturbed and not confused. Withdraw from the many and take care of your soul; so that your inner tranquility is not spoiled.
[1] The perfect affinity with the divine realm.
[2] Do harm to the brain.
[3] “God” is an exceedingly vague word. In Theosophy, depending on the context, “God” can mean Universal Law, the collectivity of divine and celestial intelligences, and in certain circumstances the higher self, the “Lord”, Atma.
The article “The Science of Tears” was published in the associated websites on 26 June 2021. It is also published in Portuguese language.
The Congregation of the Oratory, to which Manuel Bernardes belonged, teaches a mystical theology. Founded in 1575, the Oratory promotes ethical and individual efforts in the search for wisdom. It has many points in common with the classic Western philosophy and modern theosophy. In Portugal and other countries, the pedagogy of self-responsibility stimulated by the Oratorians makes a sharp contrast with the authoritarian centralism of the Jesuits. (CCA)
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Helena Blavatsky (photo) wrote these words: “Deserve, then desire”.