May 30, 2020

Thoughts Along the Road - 46

A Calm View of Things
Allows Us to Save Time

Carlos Cardoso Aveline

* Joy makes no noise. The outward imitation of contentment, on the other hand, easily provokes anguish and frustration.

* Important events are often silent, and one cannot imagine too much of laughter, and drinking and eating, in the Nativity scene. Quietness opens the door to bliss. Peace must be made here and now. It happens within the soul, in a humble way.

* B. P. Wadia wrote: “To subdue the lower but avoid irritation to it is skilful action. The two characteristics necessary for this enterprise are a sense of humour for the foibles of the lower self, and a never failing watchfulness for its insidious ways.” [1]

* “Let food be thy medicine”, says the sentence attributed to Hippocrates. If you want to find universal truth, watch your manners as you eat and drink. While soaring to the sky in his mind, the student of theosophy must keep his feet firmly placed on the ground. Eating can be a source of good health. One must never underestimate the healing power of onions, of lemon and orange juice - or broccoli, to name but a few examples. A moderate, thoughtful relation to food may work miracles.

* Both in individual and collective life, it is wise to keep away from any undue acceleration of facts and events. Good-willing anxiety is a deadly trap, and must be avoided.

* A “karmic fever” is sometimes unavoidable when great changes make old accumulated karma visible. Detachment regarding circumstances will preserve peace in one’s soul.

* In the centers of human consciousness where wisdom is dominant, there is no sense of hurry whatsoever. Even when quick action is necessary, the feeling of haste is at least a loss of time.

* A calm view of things, combined with a rigorous vigilance, allows us to save time by acting in that which makes a real difference. There is no need to pay too much attention to superficialities taking place in the short term.


[1] From “Living the Life”, by B. P. Wadia, Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore, 1981, 156 pp., p. 25.


Thoughts Along the Road - 46was published as an independent text on 30 May 2020. An initial version of it, with no indication as to the name of the author, is included in “The Aquarian Theosophist”, January 2019 edition, p. 8.


See other writings of Carlos Cardoso Aveline.