Page one of the April
edition of the Aquarian presents the
article “The Opportunities in the
Obstacles”, which says:
six or seven months of relative isolation on the physical plane - in a social
context that includes uncertainties and obstacles - is an unforgettable
learning process. It helps us liberate our souls from various levels of blind
attachment to external comfort.”
On page two we have “The Central Role of Honesty: Good Faith in the Battle of 2020”. The
article brings a selection of fragments from James Rickards’ 2016 book “The Road to Ruin”. The volume helps
readers understand 2020 and the karmic puzzle humanity must solve.
These are other text and topics:
* Thoughts
Along the Road - The True Teacher Is Eternal Wisdom Itself;
* Passages From H.P. Blavatsky That Refer to Mesmer - 2;
* An Unsolved Mystery - A Short Story by Blavatsky Describes Cagliostro’s
Presence in Paris in 1861; and
* The Island of Truth.
With 21 pages, the edition includes
the List of New Items at the associated
entire collection of The Aquarian is
available at our associated websites.
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