On Getting Ready
to Make the Difference
Carlos Cardoso
Century after century, human beings slowly carry with
them the heavy cross of mutual disrespect.
Childish souls are subconsciously attached to the
process of suffering. The habit of ignorance strengthens the ill-will among
nations and individuals. Rancor and resentment stimulate falsity,
anti-Semitism, racism, terrorism, anti-Zionism, wars great and small and
nuclear proliferation.
There is no actual need for so many forms of
blindness. The thoughtless process of sadomasochism - transmitted from one
generation to the other - can be left aside.
Looking at the sickness, I see the healing. It is
correct to accept the present moment of human evolution, since failures bring
about sacred and bright lessons. The rebirth or rebuilding, however, must
emerge in the individual universe.
It is up to me to act in a constructive way before
Karma - or Destiny.
The first duty of a responsible individual is not to
get hypnotized by moral disasters that are not his own, even if they are
collective and if they look like powerful.
The second task is to start building by his own
decision that which is good, beautiful and true. Small “invisible” actions
expressing one’s respect for life will make the difference. Every seed is small
when compared to an adult tree. If there is perseverance, one’s allies and
helpers become visible in the right time and the project expands. Conscious
beings are the silent architects and builders of human future. One should
follow the advice from the Pirke Avoth:
“Love work, and avoid holding any domineering
position”. [1]
May I strengthen therefore in my consciousness the
feeling of sincere peace.
May I do good according to my possibilities.
May I leave to Universal Law the task of taking care
of the rest.
Om, shanti.
[1] “Ethics from Sinai”, an eclectic, wide-ranging
commentary on Pirke Avoth, by Irving M. Bunim, 3-volume edition, Philipp Feldheim, Inc., New York, copyright 1964, see
volume I, Perek I, Mishnah 10, pp. 74-75.
An initial
version of the above article was published at “The Aquarian Theosophist”, May
2017, pp. 1-2. It had no indication as to the name of the author. “The Emergence of Responsibility” was
published as an independent article in our associated websites on 28 February
2019. It is also available at our blog
in “The Times of Israel”.
On 14 September 2016, after examining the
state of the esoteric movement worldwide, a group of students decided to found
the Independent Lodge of Theosophists. Two of the priorities
adopted by the ILT are learning from the past and building
a better future.