Paving the Way
Carlos Cardoso
Om, Shanti.
What I think must be in harmony with what I say, and
with what I feel, and do.
Thoughts, feelings, intentions, words and actions must
all point to the same direction.
Although their alignment will be human and imperfect,
they should have a common substance.
As long as the main goal is noble and its value lasts
forever, I can always improve: in this, however, vigilance is an essential
My goal is so vast and elevated that I can see it from
a long distance.
As I walk through the road of time, I learn to be
generous regarding other pilgrims. And I focus my soul on my own mission, and
use the power of good will.
Equilibrium results from two elements: having no selfish
desire, and seeking - in impersonal ways - for the wisdom of altruism.
Given these practical conditions, an inner peace and lasting
contentment inevitably emerge; and then, they slowly tend to grow.
Om. Shanti.
An initial version of
the above text was published at “The Aquarian Theosophist”, February 2015
edition, p. 01. It had no indication as to the name of the author.