Knowledge Grows, Responsibility
And Mistakes Get More Painful
Carlos Cardoso

Sharp turning points in Karma quickly change the whole
scene of life
Helena P. Blavatsky taught
that at each step along the path to wisdom one must confront new individual and
collective levels of organized ignorance.
resistance to wisdom cunningly searches for weak points in the psychic
constitution of the pilgrim, or of a group of pilgrims whose goal is noble.
While being tested
in various ways, the travellers must not get paralysed by feelings of fear,
guilt or anger. It is wise to be calmly vigilant when facing noble and ignoble
ideas alike: one’s loyalty to truth has to be stronger than attachment to comfort.
The pilgrim makes
progress by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones and by keeping the
emotional mind concentrated on that which is elevated and correct. It would be
wrong to pay too much attention to negativities, and disastrous to deny their existence,
or ignore the need to overcome them.
The dangers get
renewed all the time: the fire of probation burns little by little and slowly
destroys ignorance. The healing process is seldom painless or limited to one
person only. The challenge operates 24 hours a day, non-stop.
In human relations,
affinity is serene; sincerity is calm, while the cult of pleasure brings about
violence in various levels of consciousness. Seduction and hatred are the two
sides of a counterfeit coin. They make life unstable, and tend to prevail in civilizations
that have no future.
Self-restraint in
all things paves the way to the beginning of peace, and voluntary simplicity
brings about an enduring contentment. Truthfulness is inseparable from good
will. However, sincerity sees falsehood with severity. New forms of
intelligence are emerging that easily destroy various social structures based
on hypocrisy.
One of the ways to
help such a transitional process is remembering that there is no power stronger
than truth, and sooner or later truthful action wins the day.
Citizens must deal
with their individual challenges in the middle of a planetary change whose
speed visibly accelerates. Many a power structure based on false assumptions is
crumbling in our century. The process unfolds in local and global circles of Karma,
as well as on the psychological world. No one can remain away from it.
Social crisis is no excuse for
a lack of self-discipline. In fact, collective difficulties make self-control
and wisdom all the more necessary. As knowledge grows, moral duties expand and mistakes
get more painful. After a long evolution, our mankind should know enough by now
about right and wrong courses in life. A small number of well-informed citizens
can make the difference as to the global Karma.[1]
Through their timeless
teachings, the great thinkers of all ages provide our humanity with the inner
resources necessary to face any crisis in a positive and creative way. Responsible
individuals have the proper levels of access to the common wisdom accumulated
for thousands of years.
Calm vigilance is a helpful
practice for these good-willing souls. Maimonides taught about “atoms of time” [2] and the Zen tradition speaks of “sudden
enlightenment”. Teilhard de Chardin wrote about the same idea under the name of
“Omega Point”: in special occasions, a very small amount of time can liberate
an immense amount of energy. There are cornerstones in time and sharp turning points
in Karma which change the whole scene of life in quicker ways than many people
can even suspect.
[1] See the articles “The Essence of Human Future”
and “Meditation on the Awakening of Mankind”.
[2] “The Guide for the
Perplexed”, Maimonides, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 414 pp., see pp.
An initial version of the above
article was published at the July 2016 edition of “The Aquarian Theosophist”,
pp. 1-2. It had no indication as to the name of the author. Original title: “Planetary
Responsibility”. It is also published in our blog at “The Times of Israel”.