The Secret Connection Between
Psychology and the Geological Cycles
of the Earth
Damodar K. Mavalankar

A scene showing results from the 2015 earthquake in Nepal
Editorial Note:
The following article is reproduced
from “The Theosophist” magazine, India, September 1885 edition, p. 285. Signed
“K.D.M.”, the text was most likely written by Damodar K. Mavalankar (D.K.M., or
K.D.M.), who was a close assistant to Helena Blavatsky. Original title: “Earthquakes”.
In an article published in
1933, the North American theosophist C. J. Ryan corroborates the idea of
Damodar’s authorship.[1] It must be
said that in September 1885 Damodar had already gone to live in one of the
Ashrams of the Masters of the Wisdom.[2]
His note on earthquakes was published a few months after he left India
abandoning the visible aspects of the
theosophical movement. Helena Blavatsky had left India for good a few months
before him: she went to Europe in March 1885.
The importance of this short
article is great in the 21st century. Every aspect of human life is magnetic,
and so is the process of geological and planetary life in general. The direct
relation between microcosm and macrocosm is inevitable. The Kundalini of each
individual is connected to the planetary Kundalini. Therefore, the article by
Damodar does not examine earthquakes only. It also explains the correspondence
between the average level of ethics in human beings and the periodical change
in the magnetic poles, and in the central axis of our planet.
(Carlos Cardoso Aveline)
Ethics and Earthquakes
Damodar K. Mavalankar
The theories now put forth by
the scientists as regards the cause of earthquakes are not satisfactory.
The Hindus have a superstition
that the great snake Basuki carries
the earth on its head, and when the earth becomes heavy with sins, this snake
moves its head and this is the cause of earthquakes.
If we try to go to the bottom
of this superstition we may get a glimpse of what was believed by the ancients
as the cause of earthquakes.
According to the Tantrik yoga
philosophy the earth is sustained by a force named Kundalini shakti, this force
is the life of the earth. This force is symbolically represented by a snake
entwined in 3½ coils round the linga-sharira
of the earth. In the microcosm, this force is a state of strain producing a
current that moves along a spiral path. [3]
According to Professor
Maxwell, electricity is a state of strain in the luminiferous ether, and all
the phenomena of the magnetic force are observed when electricity flows along a
spiral coil.
From these it may strike one’s
mind that what is called magnetism in modern science is one form of the Kundalini shakti of the Hindu yogis.
It is a fact proved by the
scientists that this earth is a large magnet. And I think that the internal
disturbance in the earth’s magnetism is symbolically represented in the
superstition above alluded to as regards the cause of earthquakes.
Modern scientific men can see
no connection between the cause of earthquakes and events on the mental plane
of the earth. But when they understand that there is no such thing as accident
in this universe, that every event which appears to us as accident, is the
effect of a force on the mental plane, then they will be able to understand why
the superstitious Hindus look upon earthquakes as the effect of accumulated
sins committed by men. [4]
The superstition of the Hindus
properly understood means this: That the accumulated effect of the bad Karmas
of men on the earth, impressed in the astral fire, is to produce a change in
the position of the centre of the force which is earth’s life. This centre of
force, known by the Hindus as Padma
or Chakra, is the head of Basuki.
When the earth, to sustain its own life, requires to change the position of the
centre of its active life, a disturbance in the internal magnetism of the earth
is produced, amongst other phenomena earthquakes occur, just as nervous tremors
occur in a man’s body. [5]
Only one who is an adept in
the knowledge of all departments of natural forces can say how far this view of
the Hindus is correct. Let the reader seek the help of such a one to clear his
doubts, and when I have said this I have nothing more to say.
[1] “Scientific Notes and
News”, by C. J. Ryan, in “The Theosophical Path”, October 1933, p. 220. (CCA)
[2] See letter 29 in “Letters From the Masters of the Wisdom - First Series”
(TPH) and the commentaries to it. (CCA)
[3] Linga-sharira -
the third principle of human consciousness, the astral structure which supports
and gives a form to the principle of vitality. See in our websites the second
half of the article “The Seven Principles of Consciousness”.
The idea of “three and a half coils” is symbolic. “Three and a half” is the half
of seven. Sky and the Earth, or the divine and the terrestrial, combined, have
seven levels of consciousness. “Three and a half” indicates the intermediate
point and the link between heaven and earth. The relation between the higher
and the lower, or spirit and matter, must be well-balanced. It is ultimately regulated
in every inch by the stern eternal Law, and each mistake gets corrected in due
time. (CCA)
[4] Human greed causes
environmental devastation and periodical climate changes. (CCA)
[5] A change in the
axis of the planet. (CCA)
The annotated article above was
published in the May 2016 edition of “The
Aquarian Theosophist”, pp. 9-10, and the editorial notes were expanded in
January 2019.
See the articles “The Mystic Poles”, “The Causes of Glaciation”, “A Global Karmic Fever”, “Al Gore, Theosophy and the Cycle”,
“Climate Change in Ancient Times”
and “An Old Celtic Legend of Atlantis”.
In September 2016, after a careful analysis of the state of the
esoteric movement worldwide, a group of students decided to form the Independent Lodge of Theosophists. Two
of the priorities adopted by the ILT
are learning from the past and building a better future.