Helena P. Blavatsky
at her desk
A 2017 Editorial Note:
The reader must
take into consideration that the original
Society, to which H.P. Blavatsky refers in
this article,
ceased to exist a few years after Blavatsky’s
death in 1891, when
Annie Besant provoked its division
after abandoning
ethics and the true esoteric philosophy.
Today the
theosophical movement has a considerable
diversity from the
organizational point of view. There
are also several schools
of theosophical thought. The
Independent Lodge
of Theosophists, ILT, was founded
on 14 September 2016
and tries to work according to
the original
teachings of theosophy, which do not include
the dead-letter approach
of mere repetition. The small ILT
says “The Mahatma Letters” and “The Letters from
the Masters of the Wisdom” are among the most important
works in the esoteric
literature of all time, for they provide
students with a key to study and understand universal
(Carlos Cardoso
What is Theosophy? This
question has been so often asked, and misconception so widely prevails, that
the editors of a journal devoted to an exposition of the world’s Theosophy
would be remiss were its first number issued without coming to a full
understanding with their readers. But our heading involves two further queries:
What is the Theosophical Society; and what are the Theosophists? To each an
answer will be given.
In September 2016, after
a careful analysis of the state of the esoteric movement worldwide, a group of students
decided to form the Independent Lodge of
Theosophists, whose priorities include the building of a better future in
the different dimensions of life.