A 2013 Letter to Radha Burnier,
On the True Service of Humanity
Steven H. Levy
The three main founders of the modern theosophical
movement in 1875:
William Q. Judge and Henry S. Olcott (left) and Helena
P. Blavatsky (right)
Editorial Note:
The following correspondence is part of a
chain of open letters to the president of the
Adyar Theosophical Society, Radha Burnier.
Starting in 2006, the annual messages proceeded
for various years. After Mrs. Burnier died in October
2013, the precariousness of international leadership in the
Adyar Society showed it was the time to stop the action.
A considerable amount of awareness about the issue
of Justice to William Judge had been attained already.
Mrs. Radha Burnier
International President,
The Theosophical Society,
Adyar, Chennai 600 020,
March 31, 2013.
Dear Radha Burnier,
Once again, it is that special time of
year when I have the privilege and pleasure to write to you about the
importance of justice to William Q. Judge for the current and future
generations of Theosophists. There are far reaching benefits from this effort
that extend beyond your reading of this letter. By directly, respectfully, and
frankly expressing one’s views with another, the invisible bonds of unity
formed of similarity of aim, purpose and teaching, are strengthened across time
and space. The continuous impulse to mutually search for the truth in all things
helps keep the spiritual center of the Theosophical Movement a vital force in
the world and in hearts and minds of all those who try to serve humanity. We
are reminded of our shared debt of gratitude to those “Great Theosophists” of
the past and our mutual responsibility to future generations of Theosophists.
For those who have studied the life, work,
and writings of William Q. Judge, there is an unassailable conviction that he
was one of those “Great Theosophists” of the past. From the writings of H.P.
Blavatsky, the letters of his co-workers, and even the statements of the Great
Founders of the Theosophical Movement, we have a record of his stature in the
Movement in the eyes of his contemporaries. However, it is important to
consider what makes him a “Great Theosophist” for our generation. Why should we
try to remove every obstacle that interferes with the availability of his
writings to every Theosophical center, household and student in the 21st
There are at least three significant
challenges for the Theosophical Movement in the 21st Century.
In every age and civilization it has been
necessary to find those words that most clearly express the eternal verities of
the Wisdom Religion so that they resonate with the highest aspirations and ideals
of the human heart and mind. If Theosophy is to survive on its moral worth
alone, but also to gain general recognition as a storehouse of wisdom wherein
may be found the answers to all the problems of life, then its philosophical
principles must be made practical and applicable to the lives of all,
regardless of race, creed, or religion. We have left to us in the writings of
William Q. Judge, a wealth of examples of how to simply, practically and
effectively express and apply the profound ideas of “The Secret Doctrine”. His words built bridges between the eastern
and western, ancient and modern, practical and mystically inclined minds for
his generation, and they continue to have that power today. His articles and
letters contain many vital lessons for those who struggle with the timeless
enemies of human progress and happiness, as well as for those who struggle with
the unique problems in the world today.
The vitality of the Theosophical Movement
in the 21st Century will depend on diversity and independence of thought and
expression, as well as dialogue on those fundamental principles and ethical
ideals that unite all Theosophists. We will have to walk that fine line
together between dogmatism and prejudice on one side, and superstition and
doubt on the other. There must be discernment on the part of individuals and
mutual help between different Theosophical centers of work. In the life of
William Q. Judge we have the example of a human being who could stand his
ground, hold to his convictions, and yet be charitable and tolerable enough to
listen and communicate with others. He was not only an example to those who
knew him, but he also knew how to teach others to do the same in his writings.
These are very important skills for the Theosophists of our generation.
Fortunate are those today who have access to his writings.
It may be said that in the eyes of the
Great Founders of the Theosophical Movement, all those who are engaged in the
true service of humanity are Their companions. But, what is the true service of
humanity for our generation. I guess there could be as many answers to that
question as there are humanitarians. However, from the point of view of
Theosophical principles, the true service of humanity is to help on the
evolution of souls. It may seem presumptuous that one could help on the
evolution of another human soul since soul development for a human being
depends on self-induced and self-devised effort. However, those who are
familiar with the life and work of William Q. Judge recognize in the comments
of those who knew him that he was one of those unusual human beings who was an
“evolver of souls”. In other words, those who knew him and what he taught,
became inspired to know more, be more, do more, and live more in the light of
their Higher Self. The best indicator of his credentials as a “Great
Theosophist” for our times is the power of his words to reach across time and
space and evolve souls today. Very few of us are able to do that, but everyone
of us can and should be able to provide the power of those words by making them
available to others.
There is growing evidence that more
Theosophists today have discovered the greatness of William Q. Judge. But, much
more can be done. Acknowledging that all true Theosophists value justice, especially
for those who have been unjustly condemned, each of us can at least show
justice to William Q. Judge by regarding him as innocent of derogatory charges
until the truth of those charges is demonstrated, and declare that these
charges either be substantiated or dropped. Beyond showing “justice to Judge”,
we will be better able to meet the challenges of the 21st Century by removing
the obstacles to progress caused by prejudice and ignorance. These obstacles
still isolate many today from the wisdom, friendship and guidance of William Q.
Judge - a “Great Theosophist” for our times.
Wishing you peace and happiness throughout
the year,
Steven H. Levy, M.D.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.