There Is No Need to
Live in the
Ruins of Something That
Has Ceased to Exist
Cardoso Aveline

Collective consensus
creates accepted representations of reality.
It provides the basis
for the daily life and cooperation within a group or culture. However, a consensus
may be true, or false.
Up to Galileo Galilei’s time, for instance, the consensus was that the
Earth was flat. The Sun went around it every day in those times, and it was
dangerous to one’s very life to question such a divine consensus.
In the 1910s and 1920s, the consensus in the Adyar Theosophical Society
was that Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater actually talked to an authentic “Lord
Christ” and several other masters who were in fact imaginary. There was shock
and awe when Jiddu Krishnamurti himself, who was to impersonate the Christ,
dismantled that worldwide farce.
The Circus of “talking to masters” had then to be adapted to smaller
circles of people who would accept working on the basis of organized naiveté.
From a marriage and a family to a theosophical society, including a
political party and the whole civilization of today, “consensus” and “common
beliefs” should be examined. They may contain significant amounts of Maya, or Illusion;
especially so, if we try to suppress the possibility of regularly re-examining
and checking them.
Habit makes illusory consensus look like true, just as the flat Earth
and the whole sky obediently traveling around it, as the Vatican had decided.
From time to time, some consensus emerges whose falsehood becomes so
great and so obvious that cannot sustain itself before Karma any longer. Then
its walls begin to crumble.
This is the right moment - however painful - to re-examine the “description
of reality” we are attached to. If we do not renounce illusions, then illusions
themselves will renounce us in due time.
And there is no need to live in the ruins of something that has ceased
to exist.
We can always build better, healthier and more open representations of
truth. This applies to our personal relationships, to our vision of the
Spiritual Path, and to every department of life, in all time.
In September 2016, after a careful analysis of the state of the
esoteric movement worldwide, a group of students decided to form the Independent Lodge of Theosophists,
whose priorities include the building of a better future in the different
dimensions of life.