The Way to Wisdom Depends on
the Correct Use of Personal Energies
John Garrigues
Discernment and a careful examination of facts
are necessary in theosophy
Editorial Note:
The following
article was first published
at “Theosophy”
magazine, Los Angeles, in
its edition dated
December 1927, pp. 63-64.
Its original title
is: “The Modern Vice”.
An analysis of its
contents and style
indicates it was
written by Mr. Garrigues.
“Thou seest in another
what thine own heart holds”.
No vice more aptly illustrates
the ancient aphorism than that of hypocrisy. No vice more despised, yet none so
universal. Without its all-pervading presence the fabric of civilization would
fall apart. Do we exaggerate? Let any man for himself picture the sequelae of one day spent in
acting precisely as he feels!
No philosophy is more inimical
to this universal vice than Theosophy, yet no human being is under greater
temptation to its indulgence than the individual theosophist. His character - that is to say, his Karma -
is part and parcel of racial and national Karma. The conscious and unconscious
deceit in his Soul is that of the human race. But in study and appreciation of
a high and noble philosophy lies a subtle trap: such exercise stimulates in one
a self-esteem based upon that very ability to understand and appreciate.
Altruism is oft-times another name for spiritual self-indulgence. Meditation
upon high philosophy too many times leads to forgetfulness that the meditation
is - only meditation. In that case the plant of self-esteem, growing from the
mud of the human nature, transforms itself subtly into a growth of hypocrisy
out of all proportion to the normal ratio.
Having become theosophists intellectually, we gratify ourselves with
the heady wine of contempt for those who do not choose to be theosophists,
theoretical or otherwise.
Having some knowledge of
Karma, our feelings for those who understand it not, become, instead of
impersonal compassion, a contemptuous derision - a self-satisfied wonder at the
obvious follies of human race. It is
quite within human power to refuse to entertain the thought of one’s
deficiencies, and in course of time to hypnotize oneself into the belief that
they have been overcome.
Better by far to recognize
one’s own faults, even that of hypocrisy, than to become hypocritical to
oneself as well as to the outer world. The recognition of a deficiency, by the
pain involved and the relative humbleness entailed, will open a breach where
the light of Spirit can shine into the lower nature.
Vices cannot be uprooted by a
single act of will, for sometimes they penetrate every fibre of the nature. On
the other hand, all powers are spiritual,
though forever self-transformative.
The whole problem, then, is
soluble by the wise distribution and use of personal forces. Power turned to
spiritual and altruistic use is power drained from the areas of the lower
personal self, and so with the converse.
If personal energies are fully devoted to spiritual use, leakage into
the world of the lower self will cease.
Times there are, certainly,
when the lower nature, endowed by our own folly with a vigorous and maleficent
life, will awake to the danger of starvation and take a ravening offensive. In
such cases the utmost of repressive will-power may be necessary for a time. But
in general, self-reformation depends upon constructive work in the opposite
direction. Many there are who, after years or a lifetime of battle with the
lower self, have resolved no more to concentrate upon that self, but forget all of self in service, without regard of personal
victory or personal defeat. It is the better way.
In September 2016, after
a careful analysis of the state of the esoteric movement worldwide, a group of students
decided to form the Independent Lodge of
Theosophists, whose priorities include the building of a better future in
the different dimensions of life.