Visual Effects May
Run Their Cycle
Carlos Cardoso
Visitors from other galaxies
should study real theosophy
give up trivialities like visual effects and outer phenomena
Everyone receives
news about UFOs from time to time these days.
The subject
fascinates sincere friends of truth and some important theosophists. There are
many who seem to think the UFO debate [1] makes a difference for humanity. Some of
them are always alert, for “the perfect photo opportunity might emerge any time”.
Yet, in spite of
all the existing anxiety and expectation around the subject, a few things are certain.
Karma Law is still
operating. No UFO will cancel the present karmic challenges of this planet’s
humanity. We have our own hierarchy of divine intelligences. No UFOs can
interfere or change our Karma. It is up to us to do our job. We need to prepare
the next historical moment of our planet and human civilization by stimulating
a universal and cooperative perception of Life. Such a task goes far beyond
taking photos of spaceships behind the clouds.
It is a surprising
fact that the UFOs don’t go beyond sightseeing tours. They seem to have nothing
intelligent or useful to say. And when some “UFO Commander” actually says
something to the Ufologists, then it is the usual pseudo-esoteric nonsense.
Perhaps the UFO
crews have nothing to do besides sightseeing at the physical plane around the
Earth. They may have no homework to do in their own galaxies, and perhaps even here
- since they never go beyond visual long distance and fugitive, if not
hypothetic contact.
In fact, why would contact
with other humanities need such a display of outer physical sightings, which
are, at best, mere passing phenomena? What is the amount of glamour and
illusion around these events? Theosophists know that Sages act mainly at the
level of Causes, not so much at the level of Effects.
These are some issues
ufologists usually do not comment. For decades, it has been the same story: seeing
beautiful flying saucers in the sky. But we have our own homework to do. Our
home is our planet. Nobody can or will do our job for us. It is theosophy - not
Ufology - that tells the inhabitants of the Earth where we are in terms of
Evolution and what step must be taken right now.
Perhaps we should
offer some Theosophical books to foreign spaceships, so that their crews can
study H.P.Blavatsky and other classical thinkers, and stop distracting people
from their duties.
The Independent Lodge of Theosophists and its associated websites would be glad
to help the crews of spaceships belonging to the Local Group of
Galaxies. We would be proud to help in the formation of an Extra
Terrestrial Theosophical Lodge in a nearby galaxy. Our friends the Extras may
need that, in order to go beyond the utter superficiality of mere visual
effects. If they have an interest in our planet, UFO crews must take a bold
step and try to understand the past, present and future of our humanity.
In order to do
that, they must use their intelligence and study karma, reincarnation, the law
of cycles, the process of chains and rounds. Making mayavic effects like
those of Steve Spielberg’s movies should not be the priority. It is much better
to read and meditate on theosophical classics - including the famous article “On
Pseudo-Theosophy”, by H.P. Blavatsky.
[1] UFOs are
Unidentified Flying Objects, or flying saucers.
In September 2016, after
a careful analysis of the state of the esoteric movement worldwide, a group of students
decided to form the Independent Lodge of
Theosophists, whose priorities include the building of a better future in
the different dimensions of life.