Theosophical Teachings in a Few Words
John Garrigues
John Garrigues
An Editorial Note:
The following
excerpts can be found in the volume
“From the Book of
Images”, which was written by John
Garrigues and
published under the pseudonym of Dhan Gargya
by The Cunningham
Press, in Los Angeles, CA, USA, 192 pp., 1947.
The page number of
each quotation is given in parenthesis at its end.
* The pure Soul dispenses love and justice equally, home
and abroad. (p. 179)
* The Wise think not in terms of high success nor of
dire failure. The Wise think not in terms of Time, but of the Soul. (p. 163)
* A calm and tranquil mind can meet all needs of
others and all experiences, as blessings given and as knowledge gained. (p. 163)
* The Self cannot be found outside the self.[1] But a wise man beholds the Self
within. Like a child, like a sage, he sees the Self in all things and all
things in the Self. There is no other religion than this. (p. 120)
* How shall a man (...) determine the true teacher and
the true teaching? By one’s self
determining to be true. (…) By oneself being true in this world of deception,
the self is transported to the world of truth. Without moving is the traveling
upon this path. (pp. 120-121)
* There is no relation of life and no duty in it which
will not yield thee knowledge. First observe, then learn, then teach by
example; by precept teach when thou hast found thy duty towards all men, the
humble as the great, in every duty. Only so is a beginning made to bring all
the world to duty. (pp. 150-151)
* ...This I know: that when a man hath put all desires
for himself away from his heart; when he hath ceased to expect and demand save
that is freely given; when he hath ceased suspicions and complaints, as well as
refutation of any criticism given of himself: he then comes to know the
principles of harmony in his own soul, from which there runs to all an accord
and a symphony. Others may not hear; but he has concern only that the right
word be spoken by him. Others may not
feel in response to the generous love that thrills his own soul; others may not
see the signs of one who is free from desire and anger and self-defense; but
his clear unfaltering purpose will bless them none the less; his steadfast
benevolence, though it chafe the worser part of them, will someday stir their
better part, and a better course be taken for that his true life gave assurance
of it. (pp. 162-163)
* Firmly must thou think of the miseries of the men of
earth. This will carry thee whole through the five veils of the intermediate
spheres. Firmly must thy heart be fixed in devotion to alleviate the miseries
of the men of earth. This will enable the gods to send down nourishment for the
men of earth. Steadfastly must thy mind remain fixed in concentration upon the
immortal in the midst of unenduring things. Thus shalt thou find the way back
to the assemblage of the gods from the dark sphere of earth. [And the disciple answers:] I take the
vow of the highest service possible to be rendered to the men of earth. (p. 114)
* All worlds are knit together in one bond. A common
path, ascending and descending, is the path of the Pilgrimage. Those who follow the path of service enter
upon the ascent of the path. It is steep and winds up-hill all the way. In the
beginning its pleasure is as poison, but in the end like the waters of life,
for it is the path of knowledge of the three worlds. It begins in service
without requital. If pursued it leads to service requited by words. If pursued
it leads to service requited by gratitude on the part of those who need no
service. If pursued further, service accompanied by gratitude from those who
need no service leads to love for those who have this gratitude. Love and
further service lead to the station of the vow.
Thereafter, if pursued, service to all men in gratitude and love for
those who sustain the three worlds without thought of recompense, leads to the
end of the path, which is the bliss of Emancipation. (p. 69)
* ...It is only the foolish man who places his faith
and trust in persons, however near or
fair. Can it be thou would cherish but a mask in place of the Man himself, in
place of the Soul that discards one mask but to assume other? Human nature [in its outer aspects] is not to be trusted: this the Wise of all ages
know. (p. 152)
[1] In other words, the higher self or spiritual soul,
whose substance is universal, cannot be found outside the lower self. (CCA)
The above article
is reproduced from the October 2015 edition of “The Aquarian Theosophist”, pp.
On the role of the esoteric movement in the ethical awakening of mankind during the 21st
century, see the book “The Fire
and Light of Theosophical Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.
Published in
2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist,
the volume has 255 pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.