Two Short Texts Dated
1887 and 1889
Helena P.
Helena P. Blavatsky and William Q. Judge
A 2012 Editorial Note:
The two texts that
follow are
reproduced from “The Theosophical
Forum” magazine,
June 1932, pp. 191-193.
The first document
is illustrated by
H.P.B.’s seal. It
is dated August 22, 1887,
and it shows H. P.
B. still trying to promote
an alliance in the
U.S.A. between W. Q. Judge
and Mr. Elliott
Coues. She wouldn’t succeed.
In 1889, Coues
would become a bitter (and
dishonest) enemy of the theosophical movement.
In the second
document, dated October 23,
1889, H.P.B. makes
a statement that she
will never go
against her colleague W. Q.
Judge - and also
exerts some pressure on him
not to be easily
disturbed by provocations.
We thank the
Edmonton Theosophical
Society, in
Canada, for kindly providing
us with
photocopies of the material.
(Carlos Cardoso
[1. Letter Dated August 22, 1887]
Dearest W.Q.J. August
I have just finished the longest letter to Coues. I
hope he will show it to you and thus save me the trouble of writing things over
Do you want to know the key to the whole thing? Well,
it is very simple. In “theosophy” we rejoice (we ought to, at least, in our
T.S. as THEY do in “theosophy”) more over one repentant sinner than over 99
saints etc. He is going to get married with my dearest friend, Mrs E. Bates. I
went against that before [1] I do no
more, for master knocked out all opposition out of me with one word “It is his
(Coues’) salvation.” Married with such an angel, he may be safely
made a Prest [2] - anything to help
Theosophy in America so long as he works
in harmony with you. Whatever you ask me to do - your two signatures must be on the request. Otherwise I do nothing.
Now Judge cheer up. We will lift up your “Path” higher
than any other journal. Now Mr. Sinnett promises to work for its subscriptions
& I will make others do the same. I
am preparing several articles that I will send you & write in The Path over
my own signature which I do not in “Lucifer”.
When are you going to come out, I mean you &
Coues? How is it to be done? Please Write FOR I MUST KNOW. I am looking at you
& watching you, old man. - MAY YOU FEEL MASTERS PRESENCE!
Yours ever in truth
H.P. B.
P.S. Has your
new chela turned up yet? [3]
[2. A Statement, October 1889]
London, Oct. 23,
He or she, who believes that under any circumstances
whatever, provocations, gossips, slander or anything devised by the enemy H. P.
B. will ever dream even of going against W.Q.J. - does not know H.P.B. - even
if he or she does know H.P.
Blavatsky, or thinks he knows her. [4]
The idea is absurd & preposterous. If W.Q.J. get riled
[5] under any provocation -
for more than 5 minutes by the city clock, then he is a flapdoodle. H. P. B.
would give 7 dozens of Bridges, 77 dozens of Noyeses [6] & the whole esoteric body in the U.S.A. for one W.Q. J. who is part of herself since several aeons.
Those having ears will hear, those who are deaf & blind, let them provide themselves
with false ears & glass eyes, or
- vanish away.
The Esoteric Section and its life in the U.S.A.
depends on W.Q.J. remaining its agent & what he is now. The day W.Q.J.
resigns, H.P.B. will be virtually dead for the Americans.
W.Q.J. is the Antaskarana
between the two Manas(es) the
American thought & the Indian - or rather the trans-Himalayan Esoteric
PS. W.Q.J. had
better show, & impress this on
the mind of all those whom it may concern.
H. P. B.
[1] There should be a comma or a
semicolon at this point in the sentence.
[2] Prest - id est, President. (CCA)
[3] At this point, the editors of
“The Theosophical Forum” add in a footnote: “This postscript on the original
letter is to the left of the seal, diagonally upside-down.” (CCA)
[4] In this sentence H.P.B. establishes a difference
between “H.P.B.”, as an inner self, and “H. P. Blavatsky”, as a physical plane
person. Not everyone who knows “H. P. Blavatsky” has a chance to really know
“H.P.B.” (CCA)
[5] Riled - angry, vexed. (CCA)
[6] On Mr. John Bridge and Mr. Noyes, see “Letters
Between Blavatsky and Judge - 15”. (CCA)
On the role of the esoteric movement in the
ethical awakening of mankind during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”, by
Carlos Cardoso Aveline.
Published in
2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist,
the volume has 255 pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.