Masters of the Wisdom Have Their
Own Ways to Contribute to Human Evolution
The Theosophical Movement

An Editorial Note
Theosophical teachings include the idea that
great sages exist who have completed the present
stage of human development yet preferred to remain
in contact with our humanity in order to help its
evolution. Taoism calls these “elder brothers”
Immortals. For Buddhism, they are “Buddhas” or
“Arhats”. In Yoga, they are referred to as “Raja
and in theosophy they are called Masters of the
Wisdom, Initiates, Mahatmas - or simply Adepts.
The following text was first published at
pages 28-31 of the November 2010 edition of “The
Theosophical Movement” magazine, which
is monthly
published at Mumbai, India. Its publication at our
websites was authorized by the editors of the magazine.
If the Adepts are in seclusion then how do they help
Our philosophy points out that the Adepts remain in
secluded spots which are inaccessible to the unprepared disciples or merely
curious people. The concept of “help” varies from person to person. Some of us
want these Adepts to intervene and help save one’s sinking business or help to
get one’s son or daughter married. We must realize that they do not, must not
and will not interfere with Karma. No matter how apparently deserving of help
the individual may be, they will not extend help in the manner in which he
desired, if his Karma does not permit it.
Many expect these Adepts to help them by exercising
their wonderful powers. Why can they not help to overcome poverty by
manufacturing gold, or help people to renew their vigour and youth by the
“elixir of life”? Why do not the Adepts multiply the food? The answer is, there
is no need for them to multiply the food, as there is enough food to feed the
hungry, and that the scarcity is caused by the greedy people hoarding it. Also,
if the food were multiplied, then the multiplier would be imprisoned and
classed as criminal. This is because it would be concluded that either he has
stolen the food or in some way interfered with the trade. Yet, it is claimed
that the Adepts have multiplied food in famine times in the Eastern lands,
where there is no likelihood of condemnation and persecution.
Others feel that why do they not destroy evil if they
have great powers? The Adepts point out that even if they have power to destroy
evil, mankind must be left to make efforts to set in motion good causes and
compensate the evil. The Adept may help mankind by preserving and by spreading
the right philosophy, which can bring about the change in mind and heart of
people, with the help of their disciples and companions. By preserving and
spreading the knowledge of doctrines such as Karma and Reincarnation, they help
humanity to set into motion fresh good causes, and enable them to accept the
consequences of their actions, by responding in right manner.
They will not and cannot alter human nature by their
power. Each one has to change through self-exertion, by best means he can. Yet,
they help by putting right ideas in the mind of the person who is far enough
advanced. An ordinary person does not need help from the Adepts. A spiritually
inclined person needs it and he is given the same. Thus, though physically they
are unreachable, mentally they are reachable, but only by those who are
sufficiently pure. They are assisting all good movements, by mentally
influencing or inspiring the persons involved in such movements. Here and
there, they are preparing men and women to become active workers for the good
of humanity.
An individual who wishes that an Adept must use occult
force and save his business does not know what he asking for. The exercise of
occult force must have far reaching effect. When an Adept exercises some power,
invariably, it involves the aid or disturbance of elemental spirits. These
disturbed elementals enter the sphere of the individuals and become agents in
concentrating the Karma of these people, leading to quicker precipitation of
Karma. It could throw the one who is not
inwardly prepared, off-balance.
Some people have also complained that if they possess
the knowledge of scientific principles and medicinal preparations, why do they
not reveal the same to learned men to benefit humanity? The answer is that they
possess all the truths but they guard them from the seeking minds who are not
ready, and are not likely to use this knowledge properly. But, on the other
hand, when the time is ripe, often, these Adepts touch the cogitating mind of a
scientist or philosopher with the right idea, which the scientist or
philosopher may describe as a flash of intuition. As a result, he succeeds in
making this or that discovery or writing a beautiful piece of poetry or
philosophy. The scientist or a
philosopher becomes famous, while the Adept remains and works from the behind
the scenes. This is especially true of their help given to nations.
They are constantly engaged in the far greater task of
the betterment of the soul of man and the elevation of the race, which they
accomplish through human agents. These wonderful beings have swayed and are
shaping even today the destiny of nations through their human agents, such as,
pillars of peace and makers of war such as Bismarck, or saviours of nations
such as Washington, Lincoln and Grant. It is said that Lincoln always felt that
in some way he was to be an instrument for some great work, and the stray
utterances of Bismarck suggest that some unknown and unseen impulse was pushing
him to whatever good he may have done. It is due to efforts of these Adepts
that Indian Mutiny of 1857 against the British failed, though the patriots of
India desired victory. The far-sighted Adepts had at their hearts, the highest
good for India and for humanity. They could see that if the British were driven
out at that time, India would have come under the rule of some other western
nation, who unlike the British, would have destroyed the valuable books and
palm-leaf records of India, as they had done with the Alexandrian Library as
also with the historical and ethnological treasures of Central and South
A very prominent role was played by the Adepts in the
struggle for American Independence. They over-saw the framing of the
Constitution as also the Declaration of Independence of America. These Adepts
influenced the mind of Thomas Paine through freemasons like George Washington,
Thomas Jefferson, etc., so that he wrote the book, Common Sense, which inspired people to overthrow the British
rule. Thomas Paine wrote of the thoughts which charged into his mind as a bolt
from the outside. He describes them as “voluntary visitors”, which he received
with respect, and “it is from them I have acquired all the knowledge I have”.
Mr. Judge writes that these ideas and thoughts which Paine described as
“voluntary visitors”, were injected into his brain by the Adepts.
In September
2016, after a careful analysis of the state of the esoteric movement
worldwide, a group of students decided to form the Independent Lodge of Theosophists, whose priorities include the building
of a better future in the different dimensions of life.