A Dialogue
Human Soul and
the Pleiades
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Full Moon of
May is one of the most significant moments in the yearly cycle. Associated to
Vaisakh or Wesak - a month of the Hindu and Buddhist calendars - the full moon
of May promotes a certain dialogue involving the Moon, the Earth, the Sun and
the Pleiades.
One must admit that the yearly event of Vaisakh has
been widely distorted by generations of pseudo-theosophists.
A ritualistic ceremony was fabricated in a scarcely
intelligent way, involving fake masters of the wisdom. The anthropomorphic farce around Vaisakh was produced by the misguided people who ruled the Adyar Society between 1900 and 1934, and whose disciples still lead it now, in its unavoidable cycle of decay.
Every lie is condemned to imitate truth.
By showing illusion as such, we can see real facts. In
its transcendent and celestial dimension, the Full Moon of May is a sacred
event. The silent dialogue between the Moon, the Earth, the Sun and the
Pleiades is both microcosmic and macrocosmic. It occurs in the sky and in the
hearts of human beings, especially in the consciousness of those who search for
universal wisdom.
Popularly associated to Lord Buddha, the yearly
(impersonal) inspiration that descends upon humanity when the Sun is in Taurus
includes an occult contact with the influence of the Seven Rishis. Situated in
the constellation of Ursa Major, the Rishis are mythologically associated with
the Seven Sisters or the Pleiades. Helena P. Blavatsky writes in “The Secret
“… It is they, the Seven Rishis, who mark the time and
the duration of events in our septenary life cycle. They are as mysterious as
their supposed wives, the Pleiades (…).” [1]
And H. P. B. adds:
“The Pleiades,
as all know, are the seven stars beyond the Bull, which appear at the beginning
of spring [Northern hemisphere]. They
have a very occult meaning in the Hindu esoteric philosophy, and are connected
with sound and other mystic
principles in Nature.” [2]
The “seven sisters” have a decisive importance to the
universe, as seen from our small planet:
“… The Pleiades are the central group of the system of
sidereal symbology. They are situated in the neck of the constellation of Taurus, regarded by Mädler and others,
in astronomy, as the central group of
the system of The Milky Way, and in the Kabala and Eastern Esotericism, as the sidereal septenate born from the first
manifested side of the upper triangle, the concealed [triangle]. This
manifested side is Taurus (…). The Pleiades (Alcyone, especially), are thus
considered, even in astronomy, as the central point around which our Universe of fixed stars revolves,
the focus from which, and into which the divine
breath, MOTION, works incessantly… ”. [3]
Under the sign of Taurus, every full Moon of April-May
promotes a dialogue between the sacred Pleiades and the human soul. It is a
special moment to meditate, during which one can find a wordless, transcendent
inspiration. It constitutes an occasion to leave aside all anxiety or
distortion of events in life, and to let mental and emotional substances to
reorganize themselves on the basis of a new, strong wave of unconditional
It is correct to sleep more time around the full moon
of Vaisakh, and to expand in one’s agenda the time for contemplative practices
which require no effort.
One should live these two days or so in an “undeclared
meditation” and adopt a contemplative attitude which does not need to be shown
as such. The flow of higher energies transcends any effort to describe or to
classify them. It is worthwhile to silently say to ourselves and others:
Om, shanti, peace to all.
Om, shanti, peace to all.
[2] See p. 648, footnote, at “The Secret Doctrine”, Helena P. Blavatsky, vol. I.
[3] “The
Secret Doctrine”, Helena P. Blavatsky, vol. II, page 551.
The above article was published in 2019 by the websites of the Independent Lodge of Theosophists.
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