The Day of Man’s Childhood As
An Immortal Being Has Passed
William Q. Judge
A disposition not to interfere in any way with beliefs which
are illusions prevails with many who dislike the pain caused by such tearing
away of the veil.
And the argument that illusionary beliefs, creeds,
and dogmas should not be done away with so long as the believer is happy or
good has been used by the Christian Church - and more especially by the Roman
Catholic branch of it - as a potent means of keeping the mind of man in an iron
They are accustomed to add that unless such creeds
and beliefs shall stand, morality will die out altogether. But experience does
not prove the position to be correct. For numerous examples exist in the
dissenting or Protestant form of Christianity showing that the important
doctrines of the Church are not necessary for the prevailing of good morals;
and, on the other hand, immorality, vice, and crime in places high and low
coexist with a formal declaration of belief in the church dogmas.
In many parts of Italy the grossest superstition and
murderous vengefulness and crooked hearts are found side by side with an
outwardly pious compliance with the ordinances of the Church and a
superstitious belief in its dogmas. The whole Christian assembly of nations
officially violates the commands of Jesus every day and hour.
Shall it be worse or better, or kind or harsh, to
tear away the veil as quickly as possible? And if the iconoclastic attack
should be made, for what reason ought one to hesitate because the operation and
the attack may result in mental pain?
The only reason for hesitation lies in this fear to
give pain; there can be nothing but good results from the change from an untrue
and illogical, and therefore debasing, creed, if a system that is complete and
reasonable be furnished in its place.
Were we dealing with children or with a race mind
which though dwelling in an adult body is but that of a child, then, indeed, it
would be right to lead them on by what may be entirely an illusion. But the day
of man’s childhood as an immortal being has passed away.
He is now grown up, his mind has arrived at the point
where it must know, and when, if knowledge be refused, this violation of our
being will result in the grossest and vilest superstition or the most appalling
No child is born without the accompanying pains, and
now the soul-mind of man is struggling for birth. Shall we aid in preventing it
merely for the avoidance of preliminary pain?
Shall we help a vast brood of priests to refasten the
clamps of steel which for so many centuries they have held tightly on the
Never, if we see the great truth that we are
preparing for a cycle when reason is to take her place beside the soul and
guide the pilgrim to the tree of life eternal.
Be not beguiled by the argument that 'tis unwise to
tell the truth. It is but the song of the siren, intended to lure the traveler to
his doom.
Tell the truth, but do not force it. If even a pious
soul should lose the historical Jesus Christ and see instead the glorious image
of the Self in every man, that were a gain worth all the pain the first rude
shock might give. The danger of lifting the veil of Isis lies not in the
doctrines of Unity, Reincarnation, and Karma, but in untaught mysteries which
not Theosophist is able to reveal.
The change from dogma or creed to a belief in law and
justice impartial will bring perhaps some tears to the soul, but the end
thereof is peace and freedom.
That “great orphan Humanity”, now grown up, no longer needs
the toys of a thousand years ago, but requires, and with a voice like the rush
of mighty waters demands, that every veil shall be lifted, every lie unveiled,
and every light be lighted that can shed a ray upon the remainder of its
toilsome road.
magazine, December 1892.]
above article is reproduced from “Theosophical Articles”, William Q. Judge,
Theosophy Co., Los Angeles, 1980, volume II, pp. 355-356.
In September 2016, after
a careful analysis of the state of the esoteric movement worldwide, a group of students
decided to form the Independent Lodge of
Theosophists, whose priorities include the building of a better future in
the different dimensions of life.