A Few Reasons to
Form a Healthy Mental
Image of the
Next Steps in Human Evolution
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Right thought leads to right action
Is it correct for
students of esoteric philosophy to consciously visualize and think of a sane
future for mankind, for the countries where they live, and their cities?
The practice is relatively new and has been proposed
in a 2013 book and in a number of articles. [1]
few theosophists raised questions about it, and expressed two opinions. One is that such a practice seems to belong to the New Age movement;
and anything belonging to such a movement should be automatically considered
wrong from a theosophical perspective. The other opinion is that thinking good of mankind’s future would
be a wrong use of psychic powers.
Let’s then try to examine the two points, while
avoiding repetition of what has been already said in the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical
Literature” and elsewhere.
1. Theosophy and the New Age Movement
First, one should investigate what is the actual relationship between the original
teachings of theosophy and the concept of New Age.
few esotericists may experience a pleasant feeling of
intellectual and spiritual
superiority as they think of the “New Age” movement. “Theosophy”, they think, “is far above all these
groups”. They are wrong. Theosophy is at the very heart of the New Age idea. The
authentic teachings of esoteric philosophy constitute the source and center of the
New Age movement. The book “Helena Blavatsky”, by Sylvia Cranston, provides an overwhelming
amount of evidences about that. Chapter
10 of Part 7 in Cranston’s book demonstrates that Helena Blavatsky can be correctly
called “the mother of the New Age”.
The phrase New Age fully coincides with the concept of
“New Cycle”, which was constantly used by HPB in her writings. The original
teachings of theosophy are the main writings regarding the new cycle or age.
The foundation of the theosophical movement in 1875 gave a new impulse to the
transition, which had started in previous centuries. Although there are many naïve groups dealing in superficial
ways with the birth of a new age, it
would be wrong to say that the center of a circle has nothing to do with its
circumference, or that the essence of something is separated from its outward
As to the intellectual pride which a few theosophists
may have, we should be able to examine the way we look at other sectors of the
esoteric movement. A severe frankness is always good, and it is recommended and
taught by Saturn, the stern co-regent of
the new Age of Aquarius.
However, one should beware of intellectual pedantry,
which is the child of blind belief and mental laziness. Pedantry is no part of
Saturn’s, or Uranus’, influence and
inspiration towards the new age.
No one can be in the presence of an authentic wisdom and still experience a
feeling of intellectual or spiritual “superiority”. The fact of being anywhere
near wisdom destroys the sense of separateness necessary to the twin illusions
of superiority and inferiority.
Impulsive criticism and automatic skepticism are but disguised
forms of blind belief. Skeptics are eyeless believers: they believe in
Pride, which feeds skepticism, does not exist in the
life of a truth-seeker. He whom studies hard for decades attains the Socratic
knowledge that he actually knows next to nothing in his lower self, and is
therefore utterly humble in his heart. One can partake of the nature of wisdom:
one can never possess anything of it.
2. On Visualizing a Correct Future
As we look around, and talk to fellow-citizens, the
fact emerges that current ideas about human future are both false and
inaccurate. The power of thought is being misused, and this is a mistake which
must be corrected.
On TV and cinemas, science fiction movies make poor adaptations
of Far-West bang-bang stories to the cosmic environment of our Milky Way and
In every country, populations are bombarded day and
night by images of possible planetary disasters to happen in the future, from
comets coming to destroy the Earth in seconds to an ecological Armageddon, not
to mention nuclear warfare or political dystopias under buffoon-dictators like Mussolini or Hitler. Financial
apocalypse is announced from time to time. Wrongly understood biblical prophecies float
in our cultural atmosphere, feeding the poison of constant negative emotions
and thoughts.
Some of these dangers to be faced by our mankind are
real. They must be addressed from the correct point of view, which is a
confidence in life, a confidence in human beings, and a confidence in the Law.
However, the general trend now regarding human future
is still to accept negative feelings and destructive thoughts as if they were
realistic. In many scientific circles, obedience to negative feeling is the
rule. Present society has depressive thoughts about its future, and these ideas
are fundamentally wrong. They constitute a bad dream, and their inaccuracy can
be easily seen by the student of Theosophy.
Both mankind and our planet are evolving in peace, and
this fact does not exclude the end of
materialistic civilizations when the time has come for them to end.
Regardless of any crisis we may have to face in the
near future, humanity is fundamentally OK, and so is its evolution. The means
to perceive and see this fundamental fact are available in the teachings of
theosophy. Spreading this teaching and demonstrating it is a duty of the
theosophical movement. Positive feelings stem from the higher self and lead to
a decisive action. They are long-term and realistic. They must be put in motion
with a gradually increasing strength.
3. Right Thought Leads to Correct Mental Images
That ideas have an immense creative power is a fact
discussed and explained in “The Mahatma Letters” and all over classical
theosophy, including “Isis Unveiled”, the book by H.P. Blavatsky.
Right thought is one of the items taught by Lord
Buddha in the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism.
Questionable forms of imagination or image-making must
be removed. They ought to be replaced by accurate, sane and healthy thoughts,
which result from a sense of responsibility for the future and a perception
that the victory of wisdom is the natural thing to happen along life.
Thus the Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali recommend:
“In order to exclude from the mind questionable
things, the mental calling up of those things that are opposite is efficacious
for their removal.”
And also:
“Questionable things, whether done, caused to be done,
or approved of; whether resulting from covetousness, anger, or delusion;
whether slight, or of intermediate character, or beyond measure, are productive
of very many fruits in the shape of pain and ignorance; hence, the ‘calling up
of those things that are opposite’ is in every way advisable.” [2]
4. Visualizing a Correct Future
To visualize, say the
dictionaries, is “to make visual or visible; to form a mental image of; to make
perceptible to the mind or imagination”.
By visualizing a sane future for our mankind
regardless of short term events, we practice right thought and replace inaccurate, depressive ideas of our
culture by correct ones.
The effort to form a nucleus of universal brotherhood,
which corresponds to the first object of the theosophical movement, implies not
only a vision of human future, but also a daily work to express such a vision
in practical terms. H.P. Blavatsky
herself did not refrain from supporting a popular exercise of visualization of
the sane future now waiting for our mankind. She wrote on Edward Bellamy’s
optimist utopia of future times entitled “Looking Backwards”:
“In order to awaken brotherly feeling among nations we
have to assist in the international exchange of useful arts and products, by
advice, information, and co-operation with all worthy individuals and
associations (….). For instance, to take a practical illustration. The
organization of Society, depicted by Edward Bellamy in his magnificent work ‘Looking
Backwards’, admirably represents the Theosophical idea of what should be the
first great step towards the full realization of universal brotherhood. The
state of things he depicts falls short of perfection, because selfishness still
exists and operates in the hearts of men. But in the main, selfishness and
individualism have been overcome by the feeling of solidarity and mutual
brotherhood; and the scheme of life there described reduces the causes tending
to create and foster selfishness to a minimum.”[3]
In HPB’s time, Bellamy’s description of a future
civilization based on brotherhood was an effective form of visualizing a
healthy future. In the 21st century, new
forms may emerge.
It is bibliographically documented that students of
esoteric philosophy must keep day and night their evolutionary goal in front of
their mind’s eye. This is stated in the Golden Stairs which guide and inspire aspirants
to discipleship since the creation of Blavatsky’s Esoteric School in 1888. One
of the last and culminating steps in those Stairs is: “A constant eye to the ideal of human
progression and perfection which the Secret Science (Gupta Vidya) depicts.” [4]
However, that ideal cannot be individualistic or
selfish. The legitimate aim for pilgrims
along the theosophical path is the good of mankind.
Human progression is both collective and individual,
and thinking of the future according to the plan of evolution depicted in
classical theosophy is the best foundation for correct action in the short term.
Study of the secret doctrine will
provide peace of mind and a clear vision. Those who work for the good of
mankind and of their countries must use the creative power of thought in an
altruistic way, and replace self-defeating ideas with the correct view of
universal brotherhood as the practical Law that guides all beings.
[1] See Part Three in the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical
Literature” (The Aquarian Theosophist, 2013, 255 pp.). These are some of
the articles available in our associated websites which express the same general idea: “Meditating on Peace in the Middle East”,
“Meditation on the Awakening of Mankind”,
“Meditation on the Awakening of the United States”
and “The Future of Mankind is Bright”.
The article “Humanity Is In The Making” (by
S. Radhakrishnan) should also be considered. Other related articles will be
found in our websites which are not mentioned in the lines above.
[2] From “The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali”,
An Interpretation, by W.Q. Judge. See Book II, Aphorisms 33 and 34.
[3] “The Key to Theosophy”, Helena
Blavatsky. See p. 44.
[4] See item 13 in the text “Commentaries to the Golden Stairs”,
by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.
are other articles to read, study and share with friends: “Meditating on Peace in the Middle East”,
“Meditation on the Awakening of Mankind”,
“Meditation on the Awakening of the United States”,
“Preparing the Omega Point”, “The Center of Pascal’s Sphere” and “The Future of Mankind is Bright”.
In Portuguese language: “Meditando Pelo Despertar da Amazônia”,
“Meditando Pelo Despertar de Portugal”,
“Meditando Pelo Despertar do Brasil”,
“Meditando no Despertar da Minha Cidade”
and “O Centro do Círculo de Pascal”,
among others.
Some of
the texts sharing the same viewpoint and available in Spanish: “Preparando el Punto Omega”, “Una Palanca para Mover el Mundo”, “La Aceleración del Renacimiento”, “Derrotando Visiones Negativas” and “Meditación sobre el Despertar de la Humanidad”.
On the role of the esoteric movement in
the ethical awakening of mankind during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical
Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.
Published in
2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist,
the volume has 255 pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.