One of the
Planets Which
Inspire the New
Aquarian Age
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Uranus and its
rings, or “crown of smaller wheels” as the ancients said
The mysterious
planet Uranus is a “bridge-builder” between our solar system and the Milky Way.
Like his companions Neptune and Pluto, this rather distant “wanderer” is
considered an ambassador from the galaxy.
Together with the more severe master Saturn, Uranus is
the co-regent of Aquarius sign and age. It
is also a source of inspiration for visionary and creative energies.
Associated to sudden change and to the enlightenment
of consciousness, Uranus the “Aquarian” was discovered by modern science in
March 13, 1781. It was secretly known to wise men of previous ages, and H.P.
Blavatsky wrote:
“We may, and shall be told, no doubt, that Uranus was
unknown to the ancients, and that they were forced to reckon the sun amongst
the planets as their chief. How does
anyone know? Uranus is a modern name;
but one thing is certain: the ancients had a planet, ‘a mystery planet’, that
they never named and that the higher Astronomus, the Hierophant, alone could
‘confabulate with’. But this seventh planet was not the sun, but the hidden
Divine Hierophant, who was said to have a crown, and to embrace within its
wheel ‘seventy-seven smaller wheels’.”[1]
Indeed, Uranus has a number of small objects forming
rings around itself.
H.P.B. also said in her book The Secret Doctrine that the “seventh planet” of ancient Hindu
wisdom is the same celestial body now called Uranus, and whose exoteric
representative is the Sun. She quotes J.-M. Ragon, according to whom the
seventh day of the week should be dedicated to Uranus, not to the Sun. It is
said it would be better to have it called “Uranday”, instead of “Sunday”. [2]
Uranus relates to the future, and to pioneer action.
Its energies directly inspire the modern theosophical movement, whose first
object is typically Aquarian. The movement works to produce a better
understanding of the law of universal friendship among all beings. Such a law
includes other Aquarian topics, such
as mutual respect, diversity, contrast, and self-responsibility. “Live and let
live” is one of the mottos of both the Aquarian age and the theosophical
or Divine Wisdom is waiting for our mankind. It is ready for us now, and
H. P. B. shared with the following words a glimpse
of the Aquarian victory in the present century:
“…Whether by phenomenon or miracle, by spirit-hook or bishop’s crook,
Occultism must win the day, before the present era reaches ‘Sani’s (Saturn’s)
triple septenary’ of the Western Cycle in Europe, in other words - before the
end of the twenty-first century ‘A.D.’.” [3]
Every portion of real wisdom implies a corresponding burden of ethical
Each sincere esotericist and student of theosophy has therefore a personal responsibility regarding the
victory of universal brotherhood in the next decades, which is in direct
proportion to his or her actual knowledge
of the facts involved, and of their practical implications for citizens of
[1] “Collected Writings”, H.P.
Blavatsky, TPH, volume XIV, p. 332.
[2] See pp. 99-100, volume I, in “The Secret Doctrine”, by H. P.
Blavatsky. Yet at volume I, p. 575, more data show the complexity of the
relation between Uranus and the Earth.
[3] “Collected
Writings”, H.P. Blavatsky, TPH, volume XIV, p. 27.
An initial
version of the above text was published at “The Aquarian Theosophist”, March 2012 edition, with no indication
as to the name of the author.
On the role of the esoteric movement in
the ethical awakening of mankind during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical
Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.
Published in
2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist,
the volume has 255 pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.